Chapter 5

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Tom's POV:
I can't believe it was Marco this whole time. What do I do? Maybe I can ask my parents. No, they'll want to meet him quickly. I'll just, I'll confront him. Yeah.

Marco's POV:
"Star, how much flour did you add to the cookies?"

"The whole bag duh."

"What! You're not supposed to do pour the whole bag! Now we have to start all over again."

"I'm sorry, this is just so hard," she whined, pulling her hair a bit.

"It's ok, it's your first time. We'll just-" That's when a portal showed up. Tom stepped out of it.

"Can I speak to you privately Marco?"

"Uh sure? Star and I were just baking."

"Can I keep trying?" Star asked while looking at recipes.

"Yeah sure, just don't burn anything down."

"Can't make any promises!"

I focused my attention back to Tom and led him to my room. I closed the door. "So what did you want to talk about Tom?"

He looked at me with a face I couldn't quite make out. Then he got closer to me. "Uh, Tom.?"

He then said, "I know it was you Marco."

I immediately jumped a bit and starting sweating because of how nervous I was. "Wha- what do you mean?"

He sighed. "I know you're my soul bond Marco."

I stood there silent. "Look Tom, it was an honest mistake ok? I didn't mean to become your soul bond!"

"Well now you are." Tom looked down and then looked at me again. He then put his hand on my check. "You have nice dance moves, and I like how your eyes light up Marco. I get lost in them you know." With that, he walked past me and exited my room.

Did?- Did Tom just- I don't understand. For a second, I thought he was gonna kill me. Luckily, I'm still alive. But, what Tom said. I don't understand. Is he? Is he starting to like like me? Maybe not. No. It's Tom.

I sat on my bed and laid down. I looked at the ceiling. Maybe I could just forget this. I'm not into guys. Especially Tom. Just- You know what? Maybe crazy Janna can keep my mind off this. She is always capable of it. Or Star and I could go on an adventure. I could always use the dimensional scissors and go somewhere. Like the arcade. That doesn't sound too bad.

I got up and grabbed the scissors. I opened a portal to the arcade/game dimension, then I stepped in and closed the portal behind me. My parents can handle Star.

Tom's POV:
After I left Marco's room I told Star I was going. She didn't pay much attention because she was busy trying to make cookies.

I created a portal that led back to my room. I went in and closed the portal behind me. Then I made my way to my bed and plopped onto it. Why did I say that to Marco? Why did it feel so natural to place my hand on his cheek? This isn't part of the Blood Moon curse. What if I'm getting attracted to him? I can't let that happen.

Why is this so confusing? I don't even know what I feel anymore. I just need space and silence so I can clear my head. I put a DO NOT DISTURB OR ILL BURN YOU TO A CRISP sign outside my door, so that way, no one would bother me. I just need to think.

A couple of days later.

Marco's POV:
"Whoo, I love the fair! It's the best place ever!" I told
Star happily.

"It is! I've won so many stuffed animals already!" Star shouted, smiling really widely.

"The cotton candy is good," I said taking a bite into mine. "Also I thought you invited PonyHead?"

"Oh I did! I just don't know where she is. She said she was going to do something first so I don't know."

"Hm ok. We should get on the Ferris wheel!"

"That sounds fun!" Star shouted excitedly.

That's when I heard a familiar annoying voice. "Heyyy guys! I'm here!" PonyHead shouted.

"Heyy PonyHead," I greeted.

"Oh yeah so I brought someone else."

"Who?" Star asked curiously.

"Tom. Yeah I know there's a tension going around but I love drama so like."

"There won't be any drama Pony. Tom and I are just friends," I stated.

"Yeah. What Marco said," Tom suddenly answered out of nowhere.

"Oh hey Tom!" Star greeted, waving at him.

"Oh hey Tom," I said. "We're about to go on the Ferris Wheel, y'all wanna join in?"

"Uh what's that? I've heard people say it's like a donut shaped thingy thing," Pony said.

"What? No? It's a ride."

"Lead the way Marco!" Star said, pointing to nowhere.

I led everyone to the Ferris Wheel. Star and I got into one together, and PonyHead and Tom got in another. "Oh so this is what is," Pony said.

"The view is so nice looking!" Star pointed out.

"It is," I agreed.

"Oh I'm having so much fun Marco," Star said. She then rested her head on my shoulder with a smile on her face. I rested my head on the top of her head.

The ride finally ended and we all got off. We then played some more games and got on more rides. Star really loved the ride where it spinned us around while moving it up and down. It was also Tom's favorite. We went on that one multiple times. Pony really liked the very fast and hard hitting ones.

We ate for a bit and when we finished, we played a few more games before Star and I said our goodbyes to PonyHead and Tom. "Bye Pony! Bye Tom!" Star shouted and waved.

"Yeah, bye Pony, bye Tom," I said, also waving.

"Bye B-Fly! Bye EarthTurd! Had so much fun!"

"Yeah, bye Starship, bye Marco," Tom said, standing next to Pony with his hands in his pockets.

Star and I walked home since the fair was on Earth and close to my house. "Oh I had fun," I told Star.

"So did I! Fairs are so much fun," she laughed. "We should go everyday!" Star said smiling widely.

When we danced [Tom x Marco] [SVTFOE]Where stories live. Discover now