Chapter 1

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Summary: Yelena and the other Avengers have a real funeral for Natasha. Contains sappy fluff. R.I.P. Natasha Romanoff. We'll always remember your sacrifice 😭😭😢.

"Yelena, honey?" Melina asked. Yelena was in her room, sadly looking out the window.

"What do you want Mother? I am too sad to talk about Natashka right now," Yelena replied.

"Oh, honey. I was coming in here to tell you that they found Natasha's body," Yelena's mother told the Russian blonde the news.

"Who's 'they'?" the girl asked.

"The Avengers, dear. They  have found your сестра's body," Melina told the young lady.

"Wait, really?" she asked.

The mother replied, "Yes, they did! They found Natasha's body, so now we can have a real funeral."

Alexei barged in and did not know that the girls were talking.

"Was I missing something? OH! Wait a minute! You girls are doing girl talk! I didn't mean to barge in. What's the news, honey?"

"Well, you big galoot, the Avengers found Natasha's body and we are going to have a real funeral for her," Melina told him.

"Who's all going to be there?" Yelena asked.

The mother told the woman, "Well, Steve Rogers..."

"What! That stupid, selfish guy?! Ha! A bunch of malarkey to me," Alexei replied.

"Anyways, Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff, Vision, Clint Barton, Spiderman, MJ, and Nick Fury. Plus, Steve's friend is coming too," the older woman finished.

"Wait, which one? Sam or- Bucky," she said, with a little anger in her voice.

"But either way, who's going to host the funeral? I mean, there can't be a funeral without a host," Yelena asked, trying to make a point.

"Sweetie, I am going to be hosting the funeral for your сестра. Let's hope that a certain person won't get in the spotlight like always, hint-hint nudge-nudge," Melina told the young girl while acknowledging Alexei.

"What?! Little ol' me? Now listen here honeybunch, I do not get in the spotlight much," the man told Melina. Then, the mother heard a knock on the door and it was Wanda and Vision.

"Oh! Come in Mrs. Maximoff!" Mrs. Vostokoff invited Wanda in.

"And how can I forget about you Vision! Come on in!!" Melina invited Vision as well.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Vostokoff! It is a pleasure to visit your home," Wanda heartily told the mother.

"Yes, it is a pleasure. We are so sorry for your loss, Mrs. Melina," Vision sympathetically told Melina. Wanda was walking around the house and found Yelena in her room staring out the window, looking sad.

"*knock-knock* Hey, Yelena. I was just wanting to check in to see how you are doing. Listen, I understand how you feel about your sister being dead," Wanda started to explain.

"What makes you say that?" Yelena asked.

"Well, my brother, Pietro, my brother was killed by Ultron and I was really upset about it. But, I have an idea. How about we have your sister's funeral here at your house?" the woman offered.

Yelena replied, "That actually might be a good idea. Wanda, you are a genius! And I am so sorry that Pietro died even though I've never heard of him."

Wanda proudly stated, "I try and also it's okay."

A/N: This is my first Marvel/Black Widow story, so I hope y'all like it!! 😄😊😊💖 

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