Chapter 3

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When Yelena came back from the store, the older woman was really worried about her.

"There you are! I was wondering where you were. Did you get supplies?" Melina worriedly said.

"I did get some errands, but I did want to take a break from the sadness," Yelena grievingly told her Mom.

"Honey, I am so sorry about your sestra. If she were here, you would be so happy, but I can't change the past," Yelena's mom reassuringly told her.

"I understand. *doorbell rings* I wonder who that could be," Yelena wondered.

"Hey people! Whassup?" MJ walked in asking.

"Oh, nothing much, welcome MJ." Melina asked.

"Hey! It's the MJ! Where's your boyfriend?" Yelena asked

"Whaaat? He's not my boyfriend. He's my, uh, friend!" MJ corrected.

"Yeah, right. I've seen the way you look at ol' Peter Tingle," the Russian blonde told the other girl.

"I just wanted to tell y'all that the rest of the people are coming— speak of the devil, here they are," MJ told the Russian family.

"Hey! I am so, so sorry for the death of our finest Avenger," Tony heartfeltly said.

"Huh, since when did you have any sympathy, Glowstick?" Yelena asked.

"Since right now," he said, sarcastically

"Thank you for your condolences," the mother said.

"You're welcome!" he responded.

"Welcome Mr. Parker! I'm so glad you came," Melina warmly welcomed the boy.

"Thank you Mrs. Romanoff's mother," Peter responded.

"Oh, sweet boy, please, call me Melina," she told him.

"Welcome back you two," Melina said to Wanda and Vision.

"Thank you so much. We really appreciate it," they said. As everyone walked in, Alexei noticed that Steve was here.

"Well, well. What a coincidence that you are here, Mr. Rogers," Alexei said

"Uhh, do I know you?" he asked.

"I'm the Red Guardian, remember? We fought before," he asked.

"Umm, I don't think I know you," Steve told Alexei.

"What?! I thought you knew me?" he exasperatedly told the dark blond.

"Okay, is everybody here?" Melina questioned.

*knocks on door*

"I wonder who that could be?" Steve wondered, as he went to get the door.


"Hey man."

"BUCKY BARNES!!! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!" Yelena yelled. Then, she chased him around the place until they got back inside.

"Steve, hide me!" he said, scared half to death. The Russian blonde stared at him, giving him the stare that he used to do when he was the Winter Soldier.

"Dude, you're fine. Yelena won't hurt you, much," he reassured Bucky.

"Okay, I will ask this again, is everyone here?" she asked everyone there.

"Yes!" they all replied.

"Wait!" two voices called out from the outside and it was Clint and Nick Fury.

"You know that I am not fast. And also, I'm ready" Clint said, catching his breath.

"Yeah, same here Barton," Nick Fury agreed.

"Okay, one more time. Is everyone here and ready?" Melina asked.

"Yes!" they all said. So, they all went outside and there was Natasha's body in a beautiful casket. The casket was decorated with all sorts of flowers like roses, tulips, and lilies. On one side of the casket, an hourglass embellishment was on the outside and also the Avengers 'A' was on the other side.

"*gasp* Natashka!" she said, trying to hold back tears.

"Nat! Oh, my goodness!" Clint said, as he was running over to the casket. A few minutes later, everyone found their seats and the funeral began.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to mourn the loss of an Avenger, a sister, and a friend: Natalia Alianovna Romanova," the black-haired woman proceeded, "anyone want to speak now or forever hold your peace."

Yelena spoke about how Natasha was a great sister, "My sister Natasha was a great person to aggravate. She was *sigh* a great sparring partner, and a really great sister."

"Nat was a great friend of mine. She was stubborn, funny, and a great person. And I, I, I miss her so much," Clint said, as he was welling up tears.

"Wanda?" Vision asked, quietly.

Wanda replied, "Yes dear?"

"I don't feel so good."

"What's wrong?"

"I, I don't know."

"Well, maybe you are feeling the feeling 'sad.'"

"No, it isn't that. I'll tell you later, okay?"

"Okay," she said.

"Natasha was a great friend. She was, well, she was great. I don't know how to explain this, but she was a major help in fighting Bucky," Steve said.

"I cannot believe that the Star Spangled Boy Wonder actually has sympathy," Alexei said to himself.

"Now, please join in as we sing Love is Gone," Melina told everyone. All of a sudden, Vision fell to the ground and everyone stopped what they were doing 

"Vision!" Wanda exclaimed. When her boyfriend fell to the ground, she was so worried.

"Wanda," he said.

"No no no no no! Vision, please. Don't die on me, please," the red-haired woman cried.

"Wanda, please. I'll be fine," he assured her quietly.

"No, *sniff* you are not fine. You don't look fine; you don't sound fine."

"Sir?" Vision asked Tony.

"Hm?" he replied.

"What's wrong with me?" he asked.

"I, I don't know. I need time to think about this."

"Wait a minute, all of a sudden, I feel better," Vision proclaimed.

"That is weird," Tony said, furrowing his brow, "I wonder what happened."

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