chapter one: The one that can deal with him

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"Good morning, Rukawa" Mikka greated while ruffling his hair  much to his irration "hn" was his only reply, " you want go to class together?" she asked in hopes the he says yes Mikka and Rukawa have been friends every since junior high, and apperently she's been trying to make him see that there more to life and just beinging alone.

"anNe~Rukawa-kun why do you try and notice the girls?" she asked as they walked to there class " i don't want to " he answered with his usual pokerface " then that's just playing mean"  she told him but what she doesn't didn't know is that he just didn't his time on the other girls, he'd rather spent the whole day with her than those girls because she's the only one that can deal with his personality, in fact he loves her and he's pretty much hoping that she feels the same way.

"Rukawa, do would you mind if i go to see you practice today i don't have anything else to do after class"  she told him her back turn to him "sure i don't mind" was his reply by this she turned around and smiled at him he may not open up to anyone but he surely can be open with her.

~After class~

(To bored to write all the details)

Me o meetand Rukawa headed for the gym I forget this is the first time i meet Rukawa's team Mikka thought, "Ne~Rukawa what's you team like?" she asked "you'll know when you meet them" he was answered "okay, i was thinking there weird and stuff i already have to deal with your personality so i don't want to meet anyone that i would have to deal with the personality as well" she told him while he just roled his eyes.

Rukawa opened the door and Mikka was taken aback at what she saw, " Anata wa baka, watashi wa anata o korosu!!! [1]"  there captain, Akagi Takenori was pulling Hanamichi Sakuragi a good smach on the head "Itai sore wa gori wa itai!!![2]"  the other team members were just enjoying the scene, not even caring if there team captian smach their team mate multiple times

"Rukawa, those this always happens here?" she asked tugging his shirt "somethings" was his only answer "but what's going on?" she asked yet again her curiousity getting the better of her, so she when over to the chaos has.

"what's going on?" she asked one of Rukawa's team mates the one with brown hair and skin asked "Sakuragi is dating haruko-chan now" he explain to her "okay" so she assumed that the one getting beat up is, Sakuragi and one beating him maybe the brother person that this Sakuragi is dating when the guy that explained to her the whole thing that's when he looked up and took notice of the new vioce .

"Wait who are you?" he asked while pointing a finger at her " Right, sorry I'm Mikka Ela Viojan nice to meet you" she answered with a cheerful smile, everyone's attention was now on her "I'm Rukawa's friend" she told them "O ai dekite ureshidesu[3]"  they all said at once.

After the introductions they all started practicing while Mikka sat on one of the bench, "Kon'nichiwa[4]" greated Ayako "uh,Kon'nichiwa aya-senpai" she greated back "Aya-chan?" Ayako asked and Mikka nodded " I like giving everyone nicknames". Ayako gave a look that i see "Ne, Mikka-chan how long did you and Rukawa know each other?" Asked Ayako out of curiosity "Me and Rukawa known other since Junior High School" said girl answered her with a soft smile on her face, remembering the funtimes Rukawa and her had in Junior High school.

Soon enough practice was over and it was time to head home "Rukawa, watashi o mattete kudasai[5]" Mikka told him "Isoi matawa watashi wa koko de anata o nokoshite iru[6]" he said on his way out "hai,hai".

She and Rukawa walked side by side enjoying the comfortable silence neither of them spoke, as they reach Mikka's house "well bye, Rukawa" she told him with a sweet smile that he loves so much he only nodded in reply, just before she could open the door to her house Rukawa hugged her Mikka was a little shoock at his friend's action just as much as he is" Ru...Rukawa w...aht are yo...u doing?" she asked trying to hide her blushing face "Mikka,watashi anata daiski[7]" he finely confessed, he let go of the hug and walk to his house.

~ End of chapter one~

Please let me know what you think 

Akira Sendoh~ If you have any resquest please message her on wattpad or go to her facebook 

Rukawa~ Don't forget to her story Loves me Loves me not

Me~Anata wa baka, watashi wa anata o korosu[1] You idiot, I'll kill you

         ~Itai sore wa gori wa itai[2]Ouch, it hurts gori 

         ~O ai dekite ureshidesu[3]It's nice to meet you

        ~Kon'nichiwa[4]Good afternoon

       ~watashi o mattete kudasai[5]Wait for me

       ~Isoi matawa watashi wa koko de anata o nokoshite iru[6]Hurry up or I'm leaving you

       ~watashi anata daiski[7]I love you

Akira~Mikka-chan anata wa kawaii when you speak japanese<3

(akira wraps his arms around my waist) Me~Oh hi Aki-kun i didn't see you there :)

Rukawa~Let go of her baka

Akira~Make me :P

Rukawa and Akira starts to bricker

Me~Come on, you stop it D:<

Me~Sorry about them 

 Me~I may not make stories for a while 

Catch in between  kaede rukawa x  OC x akira sendohWhere stories live. Discover now