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Only a void could be seen within Ethan's peripherals in his subconscious space. A low humming can be heard, but other than that, there was nothing at all; it was just a pool of darkness, paired with a lingering feeling of emptiness lurking from somewhere. It felt like he had reached the very beginning of space and time, but no, he was stationary, unlike the formerly expanding singularity. In this uneventful dream, he could only stare at the nothingness this void had to offer. His dreams have always been lacking in vibrant colors, but Ethan has gotten used to these dreams; he has never had a lucid one, and if ever that Ethan would have a dream, it would either be a gruesome nightmare or something inexplicable by logic or science. Ethan could very much feel a weird feeling from within him, like his sleep was incomplete, or interrupted, which might've been the reason that he was somehow nearly awake at this point, and it was as if someone was really trying to pull him out from the depths of his sleep.

He had the urge to keep on sleeping, as if he was in his hibernation phase, although, he was always in a hibernating mood, bound to rest for a long time. He could no longer dive deep into slumber's embrace, and his only way was upwards.

As his senses slowly emerged from the depths of sleep, he was immediately struck by a sudden chill. There was something like a rampant wave of electricity that surfed along his spine and through his entire body. The air was freezing, as if an ice spirit roamed his room, but there was no one, the sleepy Ethan could feel no presence. As a reaction to this death-inducing, and rather cold awakening, he shivered, and immediately felt goose-bumps, followed by a soft moan as he rolled on his bed, and, acted upon by friction and the laws of motion, the bed sheet that he had only recently replaced, was ruined. It was no problem at all, for he would be able to fix it when he fully awakens.

Ethan has always been lacking in a fundamental factor in social interaction, he was a cold person, he lacked empathy, he has never talked to people other than his friends, but he'd converse with others if it was required, but despite this attitude of his, he was still extremely sensitive to the cold.

He felt another chill, but this time he had noticed that his blanket didn't seem to be doing its job, for it seemed like it was the thinnest and smallest blanket he has ever used.

A portion of the very faint moonlight can be seen passing through the window blinds, indicating that the sun hasn't risen yet. Ethan was not aware of this, for now, as he insisted on keeping his eyes closed.

But he has regained full consciousness, and therefore, his body has already started booting up.

Knowing that he would have to awaken sooner or later, Ethan sighed, and slowly opened his eyes.

Only the usual scenery welcomed his rather dull awakening. As everything started to clear itself, the first to greet him was his ever-so empty ceiling that was partially illuminated by the moonlight, then the broken ceiling fan, and then followed by the buzzing of his air conditioner. A quaint feel was present, yet it was escorted by a heavy and depressing feeling that filled the very air of his room, as if he was gradually being drowned by an unknown force. Though, he was, of course, used to this, but despite such familiarity, he would often dream of leaving the psychological space that he was in. It was another melancholic morning for him, his usual morning delight. Ethan could already tell that the sudden cold weather was Mother Nature's invitation for winter, as it would make its appearance soon. Then again, he sighed, as he rubbed his eyes and engaged in a staring contest against the blank ceiling of his room.

"Will everyday be like this?" He thought to himself, still staring at the ceiling.

Aside from a lingering emptiness within him, there was another arrow stuck on his heel; a certain encounter from a certain mysterious girl. He did not know of her name, just her face. She was all over his mind, since last night. He could still clearly recall what happened yesterday, how her hair swayed with the breeze, how the principle of constant time seemed to have crumbled, her eyes, her eyeglasses, every second was Ethan's relief from his daily dilemma, but then of course, he would just shook it off. He would simply negate his thoughts and think of it as a mere coincidence, he did not want to think of the silly concept of romance again, nor ever mention its correlated word, 'destiny' or even 'fate'.

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