Lost and Found

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"Just where are you going? Can't you see that it's raining, Ethan?" Right after hearing this, Ethan stopped reaching for the doorknob, and then slowly turned around. Those were the very first words that came out of the mouth of the only recently awakened and barely recognizable Sheena. Her words weren't as pleasant as a morning greeting, yet Ethan was very much reassured that he wouldn't have to worry about intruders, as the very fearsome, er, cuddly, grizzly bear had awakened.

It was a rather chilly Wednesday, and due to certain favorable circumstances, it has turned into an opportunity for Ethan to let his mind rest.

After all, he was mentally drained from his previous endeavor with his internal arguing. Seeing that a mere millisecond of an interaction immediately caused severe damage to his mind, and now he had just finalized that he deserved this very day to appease his weary brain.

"That's exactly the point. It's raining." Ethan confidently replied, as he sheepishly pointed his thumb outside with a look of self-approval. However, even with his lively tone, his face did not emit any sort of emotion.

He looked at Sheena like he was now begging for her approval, but then shifted his focus on her hair that was messier than a dry, old, and unused floor mop. From her dormant position, she sat up abruptly, and from this, strands of hair could be seen stuck-up in various directions, like she had been struck by lightning. Ethan then glanced at her ever-so peculiar taste in clothes at home; a white tank top, with its very last strap slowly sliding down her left shoulder, the other strap, well, it was living its life, hanging through its miniscule mass, clinging onto her skin, yet, still alert as to cover her bosom, and when he set his sights on the gray blanket that covered her entire lower part, for sure, Ethan could tell that she was still wearing her summer shorts. With this information registered into Ethan's mind, he could now deduce that Sheena was barely even affected by the freezing cold, or at least he thought so.

"And so?" Sheena then asked, and her irritation was implied immediately. Now, she began aggressively combing her morning hair with her hands, but to no avail, it was still as messy as it was.

Then came Ethan's gravest mistake. Ecstatically, he grasped the idea of approval from Sheena's silence, which was in turn misunderstood. Ethan turned around, with a pump of energy flowing through his fingertips as he turned around in anticipation to face the door, and slowly, yet, so suddenly, he reached for the doorknob.

His enthusiasm was then halted by a sudden tilt in the atmosphere, as if the Earth's atmosphere had compressed onto Ethan's body. There was more than just a slight change in the air, it was as though the silence had transcended the word deafening, like it was near-inconceivable even, or nil, and even comparable to the emptiness that of a vacuum, even. Then, he shivered violently, as he touched the doorknob, yet it was not because of the surprisingly cold metal knob that awaited him there, but it was because of the awfully grim aura that was emitted towards him. He changed course immediately, and from his position with his back behind her, Ethan turned around with his life hanging by his neck, until he wound up facing Sheena. This pouting woman in front of him could ensnare even the stoics themselves, yet in that instance, within her gaze, he felt like she was about to cast a lifelong curse upon him, and that gaze itself would turn into a menacing glare, as if a predator had long been eyeing its prey from the shadows. The brilliant angel in front of him seemingly mutated into a demonic monstrosity that even the Eldritch Horrors would dare not approach.

Such was the wrath of a moody sister; life-threatening, and overpowering.

"Classes are suspended." Ethan carefully replied, as he gulped down his own words at the sight of his scary sister. He could very much feel the tension in the air, followed by a strong current of chills that went through his entire body. He could feel an imaginary tremor originating from the couch where his sister was slouched on, and it made him sweat, droplet by droplet sliding down the back of his nape. Goosebumps, he had, and it took over the sensation on his skin. He was trembling at the thought of the punishment that would befall him, but the amount of pressure that has been applied on him added to his fear.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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