chapter 3 - pineapple pizza

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„Damn, this is where you guys live?", Stacey wanders around our living room, taking in every impression. She stops right in front our TV, moving her head to the side to check the thinness of the screen.

"Dude, your TV is thinner than my will to live!", she says, still looking at the TV.

Izzie's mouth drops open, obviously in shock about the joke Stacey just made.

I have to smile and slowly shake my head. I shouldn't laugh about such macabre jokes, but fuck, I can't help but find them funny.

Stacey finally looks at us again, Izzie's mouth is still wide open, which seems to surprise her. We lock eyes and nod to each other, as in order to say "nice joke, I think it's funny" while Stacey tries to tell me "thank you for thinking I'm funny". But it's way more than that. Almost like we're making a silent agreement to not joke like this in front of Izzie.

Stacey reaches for Izzie, and forces her, in the most gentle way a human can, to shut her mouth.

"Keep your lips pushed together, or flies will lay eggs in your mouth."

I can't help myself but chuckle a bit.

Izzie raises her eyebrows: "That was surprisingly disgusting."

Stacey walks in our kitchen, checking out our oven and the dining table: "Eh, not too bad. Steven here has a lot of experience with flies. He would help you get rid of them."

Steven sighs: "Do you have to rub this story under everybody's nose?"

„What story?", I ask.

„NO", Steven shots me and Stacey a glare.

Steven and Stacey changed their clothes after the tour.

They both live at the dorms, they even share a room together, which seems weird, since all they do is annoy each other. Well, more like Stacey annoys Steven.

We decided on going to their place to let them change into other clothes for the party. And since Stacey and Izzie were still hungry, and Izzie and I wanted to change into other clothes too, we agreed on visiting our place and order some takeaway.

Steven looks pretty much like before, even after changing his clothes:

He wears plain but stylish slim fit jeans, boots, and a tight white t-shirt.

Stacey's style is a bit more interesting. She's wearing a tank top under a way too big dark red flannel. Her jeans are black and fit perfectly. She cuffed them, exposing white socks underneath them. And what could finish a look like this the best? Right, a pair of Vans.

What's even more interesting is what she did with her hair. She curled them, but not too much. Her hair looks like she's just come from the beach. Sometimes, when her hair annoys her, she puts it into a loose bun, which gives her even more surfer girl vibes.

So now, we're here: Four students at our dining table, a flyer from Domino's right in front of us.

"I don't have to look at the menu, I'll take the pizza with pineapple on it", I say.

Izzie and Steven look at me in disgust.
"You're the devil in disguise."

Stacey laughs and lifts her hand, giving me a sign to give her a high five.

"Nah, you both are just no gourmets like Newton and I am", she laughs.

Steven reaches for the flyer while scoffing: "Says the one, who didn't eat their lunch because 'sea food is nasty'."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2021 ⏰

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