A number of years ago (When I was in my mid-adolescent years), my family and I moved into a new house. It was only one storey high with a basement, but had a nice appearance to it. It looked very cozy and welcoming. It had a small garden at the back with a bit smaller of a yard at the front. Best of all, it was close to my middle school and right in front of my high school. Overall, it was perfect! We lived there for 3-4 years before we moved out. It was in that house that I’ve learned later on that I was more or less sensitive to everything around me. It would explain why 95% of the things that occurred there had to do with me in the middle of it all.
When we moved in, the house was still pretty small for a 4-member family, so I volunteered to take the room in the basement. It was a bit cold in the beginning, but I liked it. It wasn’t even that scary because, you see, the staircase led right up to the front door. At the front door, there was a little area where we could take our shoes off. That area was connected with the staircase that led to the main floor. There was no door to block anything, which was why I wasn’t really that scared with the idea that I had easy access to my family upstairs.
Once we moved in, that was when everything first began.
During my first year the house was almost peaceful. The only thing that I can really remember about that year was my discomfort every time I walked up the stairs to the main floor. I always looked behind me, because I either felt like something watched or followed me. There were times that I literally ran up the stairs, with the feeling of being chased. Unfortunately, I could not last for a whole year down at the basement, so my parents switched their bedroom with mine when they took note of how cold I was.
During my second year, everything went on both sides of the scale. Either really strange things happened or good things that still make me smile to this day. In that year, I think what triggered the whole thing was that I was bullied by my class behind my teacher’s back and that I simply chose the wrong person to be my friend. I started to see things in the corner of my eyes, like shadows of some kind. I lost how many times the battery on my cell phone died right after I charged it to 100%, either during the day or night. I even found a small, almost child-like, hand print on my book shelf, which was covered with dust at the time.
Those aren’t the strangest of things that happened to me. These are the ones that still make an impression on me to this day.
I experienced dreams about death, which never happened before in my entire life. I dreamt of my family’s death. I dreamt about me being murdered. Sometimes I was afraid of going to bed, so I tried to stay up as late as possible and, if that didn’t worked, I would have a night-light on. Yes, a night-light, which was just sad because I was in my mid-adolescence. I could not fall asleep without it being on, because I felt like something was out to get me.
There was also full-body apparition for my brother and I, men and a woman (For me).I saw a man, that one and only time, when I watched TV with my little brother in the living room. From the living room there’s a full view of both our bedrooms, which always had their doors opened. One time while I watched TV, I looked over to the bedrooms and I saw a man in my brother’s room. I had the impression that he wore a military uniform, but that was about it. Every other detail was very vivid at that time and wouldn’t come to me until later on. It was then that, as if he felt it, he looked over at me. I didn’t see it, but I felt him sent a smile towards my direction. After that, he simply walked through my brother’s computer desk and into the wall that was connected with my bedroom. I expected to see him enter my bedroom, but he didn’t. I didn’t find out later, after we moved out of that house, that my brother also saw the same thing. However, it wasn’t his first time when he saw him. There were two other places that he saw him in. One of them was in his bedroom (Twice: Once with me and once alone). When the whole family woke up for the day, we heard him scream his head off in his room. We ran in asking what was wrong. He cried out that there was a man in his closet. I checked but there was nobody there nor was there anything to make the illusion of a human, much less a man. The other place that he saw the man was in his dreams, which were filled a lot of the time with the images of the spirits of the house.
Real Life Ghost Stories✔
ParanormalLANGUAGE: ENGLISH ~ Warning! Compilations of stories, based on real life events. Respect it and read at your own risk!