Chapter 126

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    Da Qin and Hou Mansion, these two hats are not unimportant. If Shen Liang is unwilling, it will be related to Jiangshan society when it is bigger. When Xiaoli is said, it is also closely related to the Hou Mansion. As the son of the Hou Mansion, this is something Reluctant, doesn't it mean that he didn't regard himself as a member of the Hou Mansion, didn't regard the old lady as a grandmother, and didn't take the Buddha seriously?

    Most of the pilgrims onlookers sympathized with Shen Liang, but this kind of thing was not uncommon in the past. Some people often worshipped the Buddha three times and nine times to knock on the mountain, and the old goddess was also involved in the Great Qin Jiangshan. Who would help Shen Liang at this time? , That was being unfaithful to Da Qin, so even if they saw the sinister intentions of the old godly woman, no one dared to talk casually like before.

    "As a citizen of Da Qin, I really should do my best for Da Qin..."

    "Why didn't this king know that Da Qin's Jiangshan Sheji was tied to a pair of children?" After a

    deep look at the old lady for a while, the corners of his lips were cold. A hook, just about to refute, a more domineering voice suddenly sounded, and the life was overwhelmed, and it blocked all his next words.

    "King Qingping?"


    Everyone followed the prestige and saw Pei Yuanxun, who was dressed in luxurious purple clothes, straddling the horse. He was accompanied by all the adult princes. The scene suddenly became commotion. Cha frowned, Zhao Lan and Lu Yang's expressions were also a bit stiff, but Shen Qiang, Shen Qiao and Shen Jing were all embarrassed, and they wanted to refuse and looked at Pei Yuanxun and the princes.

    "The old man, see your princes, King Qingping!" After

    returning to her senses, the old lady broke away from her daughter-in-law, and stepped forward to meet them separately.

    "See His Royal Highness, Qingping King."

    Upon seeing this, Zhao Lan Lu Yang also brought three prostitutes and a few prostitutes to salute them. The guards and maids knelt together, and the pilgrims were all around. He knelt down in a hurry to greet him.

    The leader Pei Yuanyi ignored them. After turning over and dismounting, he passed the old lady who was the leader and walked towards Shen Liang: "I didn't expect to meet the future princess of this king here. I want to come to pray for God and worship Buddha. Don't you want my king to accompany you?"

    "Don't dare to bother the prince."

    Shen Liang looked unfamiliar with him, and when he said that he bowed to him, the corner of his eyes twitched, and finally realized that he seemed to have ruined his good deeds. Blame him, who kept them stuck here for so long, he couldn't stand in the distance with a group of princes endlessly stupid, right?

    The conversation between the prospective husband and the husband is like no one. The completely ignored old godly woman has a black face, but she does not dare to shake her face in front of the Qingping King and the other princes. She must also have a decent smile on her face, the same as her. With Zhao Lan and others, the only possibility that the smile could not hold was Shen Qiao. When Pei Yuanxun walked towards Shen Liang, her hateful eyes shot towards Shen Liang. If the eyes can kill, there is no doubt, Shen. At this time, Liang was afraid that he had been cut by thousands of swords. It was clear that Shen Liang was the rightful princess of King Qingping in the future. It seemed that Shen Liang was a spoiler who had robbed her husband. It would make people a little bit ridiculous to think about it.

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