Chapter 8

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      It wasn't long after Izuku, Olivia, and Katsumi returned the red haired kid to his parents, that they entered their hotel room.

Katsumi face-planted on his pillow, wriggling off his boots. Olivia sauntered into the bathroom and splashed cold water on her face. The lack of sleep on the boat ride hammered Izuku. He flopped on the chaise lounge, snoring boisterously.

" Gee, I guess fighting villains took a lot out of him." Olivia teased.

She was a little hungry, and unlike the boys, she couldn't stop replaying what Silver said atop the church. How could one man hope to destroy 70% of the world's population? It was crazy talk.

" I'm going to the dining hall, anyone want to come?" Olivia  enthused. She grabbed her purse and retied her yellow sneakers.

Izuku was clearly comatose, but Katsumi stirred. He glanced at Olivia and sighed, " ugh, fine." Katsumi slid on cozy slippers and forced himself to stand.

Olivia grinned in ecstasy, " Yay!" and dragged Katsumi to the elevator.

Hôtel de Perle felt like being in the Renaissance era. Everything was elegant and sophisticated. The floors and walls were constructed of marble and the lobby had a mosaic ceiling. The dining hall was a ring of tables in a casual setting: velvet drapes, a brick fireplace, and a stage for a band to preform.

Olivia raced over to the all-you-can-eat buffet and stuffed a plate. Katsumi wasn't that hungry. He agreed to come, because Olivia hated doing things alone. She preferred being surrounded by people, even strangers.

" Can you believe our vacation is almost over? And we both faced real villains!" Olivia gasped in disbelief. She couldn't wrap her head around the whole 'villain incident'. Was it staged? Or just a hoax?

Katsumi snatched a plate. His mouth watered over the banana bread. " I'm sorta glad it's ending. And those bastards make me uneasy." He grumbled.

" Really? They have me contemplating if this is all one big charade." Olivia combed a loose hair behind her ear. She carried a heap of food over to the table closest to the fireplace. It'd grown chilly during the night.

Katsumi joined her. " I considered that too." He propped his chin on his upturned palm. ".......Uh, while I was fighting this guy—Detlef—I forget his last name—anyway, I got the feeling he could predict my moves. It was like he's seen me fight before." Katsumi perceived.

Olivia's eyes expanded. " Creepy. Silver knew Izuku's full name. And he has this weird Art." She blurted. Olivia acknowledged it wasn't her place to relay personal details without Izuku's consent, but Katsumi deserved to know.

" The villain said that nerd's name? Hmm.....they know we're heroes too. Anyone can wield an Art and save a bystander. How'd they know we'd be on Klafgate Island?" Katsumi said. The situation was becoming more complex. Did the villain send a spy? Or were they someone from their past? Katsumi was growing agitated.

Olivia huffed, " I guess all we can do is wait for them to show their ugly faces again." She picked up a spinach quiche and scarfed it down.

Katsumi massaged his temples. " Do you think they'll attack anew?" He took a huge bite of banana bread.

     Izuku awoke to his own snoring. He must've taken a nap. Izuku glanced around the room, surprised to see Katsumi missing.

The guy seemed on rocky terms with Olivia, but it was refreshing to see them mending things. Izuku assumed they adventured to the snack bar or all-you-can-eat buffet. He was kinda hungry too.

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