Chapter 2

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The Noble Flower Tearoom was located east of the grand city, Roidagawa and in the small merchant town, Langjur. It happened to be right in the middle of the subdivisions where the Bryants, Masons, and Uzurakas called home.

Lizzy Mason was the first to arrive and claimed a round table with a window view of the bustling boardwalk. The minute she entered, aromas of exotic spices and baked goods hit her like a splash of water.

The table Lizzy chose had blue cloth and a vase of yellow poppies. She slid into an empty seat as a waitress approached her.

" Kon'nichiwa! May I get you some tea? Or a momiji manju?" She asked.

Lizzy hesitated, then answered, " okay. I'll take one maple momiji manju and a pot of vanilla tea." She considered ordering for her colleagues, but opted against it, because their taste palettes might've changed since their college days.

It wasn't long, before Jace and Yuika seated themselves at Lizzy's table. They ordered a single pot of tea and a scrumptious pastry.

" I can't put into words how terrific it is to see you guys." Yuika gushed. She blew lightly on her teacup.

Jace chuckled. " I'd blame our demanding jobs, but the bakery's been closed for the past two months due to a mice invasion. However, my three girls have kept me plenty busy." A smile slid across his disgruntled face.

" About our kids." Lizzy injected. She bit off a chunk of her leaf shaped pastry.

Yuika nodded, resting her cup on its saucer. " Yes, on the phone you sounded urgent. Is everything alright with Izuku?"

" Well....Izuku's been—well not himself. He's either at the table studying, in his room studying, or studying on his way to work. The kid's only sixteen and he sometimes doesn't come home until midnight. I'm awfully concerned about him." Lizzy sniffled, clutching her napkin.

Yuika gasped. " No. Really? Katsumi is the same way. I know he's got a nasty attitude, but lately he's been insufferable. He calls me horrible names and is constantly rushing to taekwondo lessons. On top of that he's always out training in our garage or studying up in his room. Arr. I can't stand it." She gritted her teeth, tightening her grip on the delicate blossom teacup.

" You know? Olivia could use a breather too. That girl, she'll snatch up any job handed to her. I'm indoctrinated that she's gonna blow a fuse. Olivia's been cramming for some dumb exam the past couple of months and now she's trying to juggle work, plus school. I haven't seen her sleep a wink!" Jace complained, slamming his fist on the table.

Hearing they were in the same situation, Lizzy proposed a solution. Their kids deserved a vacation. At the thought, Lizzy's face lit up. " I've got it! Let's send our little dumplings on a spectacular vacation!"

" Brilliant!" Yuika clapped. " Katsumi will never agree, but don't worry, I'll make sure he goes. Trust me." She smirked, sipping her tea. It was a fantastic scheme. And the only thing left to do was choose a destination and book the trip as soon as possible.

Jace sighed, propping his chin on his overturned palm. " Where to send the ankle biters? A cruise? Oh, that'd be nice. A road trip? Nah, none of them can drive. Maybe a tour? Airplanes are pretty safe, but Olivia hates flying." His rambling was mostly to soothe his own nerves.

Yuika shook her head. " Katsumi can't swim." Her eyes started to sparkle. " But I think a tour would be fun. It's an excellent way for them to bond."

" Then it's settled. We'll charter a boat to Klafgate and buy them bus tickets for a tour through town and down to the beaches of that fair island. Oh, almost forgot we'll have to book a hotel and give them spending money. Let's make this a vacation one they'll remember." Lizzy declared. She couldn't wait to see the expression on Izuku's face when he learned the good news.

Jace and Yuika smiled in compliance. " One more thing, how long will this vacation be? And When? Olivia won't enjoy the trip if she's thinking about the exam." Jace inquired.

" Right. The exam is next week, so how about over the weekend?" Lizzy suggested.

" Sounds great." Yuika munched down her last piece of scone. " So, we're booking a boat ride, a hotel, a tour and giving them spending cash. They'll depart over the weekend to Klafgate Island. Then we'll pick 'em up and they can take the exam." She reconfirmed.

Jace carefully poured himself another cup of caramel tea. " I have no doubt this weekend is going to be their favorite. Olivia deserves it." He fought back tears.

" They all do." Lizzy said, rubbing his shoulder consolingly. She too was battling tears.

After the delicious brunch and pleasurable conversation, Lizzy and her friends bid each other farewell. Now the only thing left to do was setup a fantastic vacation and explain the ordeal to their kids.

Lizzy was positive Izuku would be ecstatic and give her a big hug. Yuika knew Katsumi would fall into a fit of rage and definitely locked himself in his room until Monday. And Jace was certain Olivia would be super excited, but feel as though she hadn't earned the trip and suggest he take her place. But it was all worth a try.

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