Chapter 4: Lonely

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The Next Day in Adventure City, Liberty was in her Motorbike, waving to the People as she zoomed by in her vehicle…

Liberty: Alright, time to make a Quick Stop.

Liberty then parked her Ride right beside Carmen’s Grocery Store, and went inside, and Carmen gave her a Very Warm welcome…

Carmen: Hey Liberty, How are you doing?

Liberty: Hey Carmen, I’m doing Great, how about you?

Carmen: Good, Business has been going well in my Store lately, so, have you made any Exciting New Rescues yet?

Liberty (Sighs): Not Really, it’s kinda hard to find a Rescue when everything’s so Peaceful now that Mayor Humdinger’s in Jail, Plus, I kinda miss the PAW Patrol, its been feeling kinda lonely with only me in the Adventure City Headquarters.

Carmen: I Understand.

Just then, the News Broadcast came in on the TV…

Marty Muckraker: Hey there Folks, I’m Marty Muckraker reporting some News that is a bit Old, but something that you may have to keep an eye on, Just Yesterday, Mayor Humdinger was bailed out of Jail, and is currently staying in a Small Apartment in Adventure City, don’t worry though folks, cause he is not allowed to go anywhere else than here.

Carmen and Liberty were surprised by the news…

Liberty: Scratch what I just said Earlier, things just got interesting.

Liberty then left the Store, and got into her motorbike, and headed to Butch and Ruben’s Mini Apartment, where she saw, Butch, Ruben and Mayor Humdinger himself going inside what looks like a Limousine…

Liberty: Hey, Mayor Humdinger!

Mayor Humdinger: Ahh! She’s going after us, Go, Go, Go!

Liberty: Wait, No! I wasn’t going to do anything.

Mayor Humdinger: Hmm, fine, what do you want?

Liberty: I just came to check how you guys are doing? (A little bit sus of them)

Mayor Humdinger: Well, if you must ask, our Day was going Great till we ran into you.

Liberty didn’t get offended easily…

Liberty: Oh Great! So, how are your kitties?

Mayor Humdinger: They are doing Okay, why are you asking so many questions?

Butch: Sir, come over here!

Mayor Humdinger joined Butch and Ruben in a Corner…

Butch: Maybe you should try to be a bit more nice to her.

Mayor Humdinger: Why!? I hate Dogs, and she is a Member of the PAW Patrol!

Ruben: I think you should listen to Butch, I think she’s  little bit Suspicious of us, if you want to avoid anymore, I suggest you try responding kindly to her.

Mayor Humdinger (Groans): Fine!

Mayor Humdinger then went back to where Liberty was waiting beside her Motorbike…

Mayor Humdinger: Look, Liberty, I think lately I have been acting…, a bit Rude, and I think I’ve made a lot of Mistakes, so, I wanted to apologize for what I have done.

Liberty: Really?

Mayor Humdinger: Yes, Really, maybe I’ll try to put on a more Cheerful Spirit.

Liberty: Cool.

Mayor Humdinger: So, I’ve got to go, my boys need to buy more Cakes.
Liberty: Okay, Bye!

As Mayor Humdinger got into the car with Butch and Ruben, Liberty watched them from a Distance, she still had suspicions of the Mischievous Former Mayor…

Liberty: Hmmm

Liberty then got back into her Motorbike, and headed to the Adventure City Lookout, when she arrived, she got off, and headed up the Elevator, she was bored, she was just playing with the Switches of the Pup-Treat Dispenser to try to Entertain herself, and eating them as well as they fell onto the Floor, Liberty also tried playing with a ball, but it wasn’t very fun when you’re the only one who’s playing, Liberty then went into the Pups’ Bedrooms, and next to it, she took a Photo that was hanging on the wall, and took a look at it, it was a Photo of her and the Team, when she just became a Member of the PAW Patrol…

Liberty (Sighs): I miss you guys.

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