Chapter 11: Taking care of a Friend

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Chase was still at the pier of Adventure Bay, thinking and looking at the still waters, but he decided to consider what Skye said, and try to work things out with Jason…

Chase: Skye’s right, I may have gotten hurt by him before, but the past is the past, and, I’m not really a pup that holds Grudges. (Realizes) It’s getting really late, I better head back to the Lookout, I really need to get some sleep. (Yawning)

But just then, Chase heard something loud, it sounded like Jet Thrusters…

Chase: Huh, that’s weird, the only time I hear that sound is if…

Chase then noticed from the Distance, Skye flying around in circles, and was starting to head towards him…

Chase: Skye? What are you doing!?

But Chase then looked closer and realized that his friend was unconscious, and before he could move out of the way, Skye crashed into Chase, knocking both of them out of the pier, and into the Bay Waters, Chase then swam and caught Skye in his paws, and tried to reach the surface as quickly as possible to make sure she doesn’t take in a lot of water, Chase then got out to the Beach, and carefully placed his friend down, Chase knew he had to do something, cause his Pup-Tag was destroyed by the water, and calling Ryder and the other Pups to come to him would be too late anyway…

Chase: Okay, what should I do now?

Chase then remembered what his best Friend Marshall used to tell him to do if there was a situation like this with a Drowning Citizen or Animal…

Marshall (Flashbacks): First, you’ve got to check their Heart beat.

Chase then leaned in on Skye’s chest, and tried to see if he can hear a heartbeat, but he heard nothing, and then he started to panic, he didn’t want to lose one of his closest friends…

Chase: Oh, Come on remember Chase, what to do next? (Panicking)

Chase then remembered another part of what Marshall said…

Marshall (Flashbacks): If a Drowned Citizen or Animal doesn’t have a heartbeat, it usually means that they inhaled too much water for their heart to function properly, so, in that case you have to apply CPR Compression by pushing on their Chest.

Chase then pushed on Skye’s chest repeatedly over and over again, and sure enough, Skye started to cough out some water, and Chase was relieved, but then he panicked when he realized she was still Unconscious, and he listened on her heartbeat, and it was there, but it was beating very slowly, and Skye was starting to become pale…

Chase: No, No! Come On Chase, what else can you do!?

Then Chase remembered the last few words Marshall said…

Marshall (Flashbacks): And if all what I told you still doesn’t work, then that means that either they’re… (Gulp) Dead…, Or, Even if it is Gross, the only way to save them is by breathing mouth to mouth into them, that will force the Water out of their Heart and Lungs.

Chase (Sighs): This is gonna be Gross, but…, Anything to save a Friend!

Chase then took a deep breath, opened Skye’s mouth, and breathed Heavily into it, Over and over again, until finally, Skye coughed out all of the water, and she was no longer pale, and was getting her color back, Chase then also leaned on her chest and now her heart was beating at a Normal Rate…

Chase (Phew): That was way too close!

Chase breath a sigh of relief, knowing that he saved his friend’s life, but was confused, because for some reason, Skye was still not Conscious, and not moving, Chase tried to shake her, or move her head multiple times, and even tried licking her face, but nothing seemed to work to wake her up…

Chase: Strange, I’ve got to get her back to the Lookout.

Chase then carefully lifted Skye onto his back, as he carried her and walked all the way to the Lookout, and after 15 minutes, Chase arrived at the Lookout, but noticed a strange scene, He saw Rocky’s Recycling Truck driven away from it from a little distance…

Chase: Hmm, Odd, let me check inside.

Chase then got inside the Lookout, and started calling for his Team’s Names…

Chase: Ryder, Rocky? Are you there!?

But Chase got no response, Chase then carefully placed Skye on a Sofa in the Lookout, and then went outside, and searched the other Pups’ Puphouses, but he didn’t find them inside, Chase couldn’t understand where they could have gone, Chase then finally, got a New Pup-Tag, cause his got destroyed by tried calling his team for help…

Chase: Ryder, Pups, Anyone there?

But, Chase got no reply, and of course, it didn’t take a detective to realize what happened to them at this point…

Chase (Gasps): They got taken! But, who would do such a thing?

Chase then went back inside the Lookout, and saw Skye shivering a bit, and he got a blanket, and put it around Skye, and she started to feel better and stopped shivering, then Chase got his Spy Gear, to see if he could find any clues or tracks about who did this, and he searched around the Lookout, but surprisingly to him, and unfortunately, he didn’t manage to find anything…

Chase: What!? No Tracks or Scents!? (Trying to sniff and Smell) That’s impossible! Where could they have taken my friends!? What do they want from them!?

Chase then started crying for losing his Team…, But then, Chase said to himself…

Chase: I must not give up, I can find them, but I need to make sure Skye is ok…, Wait, I know! I’ll call Liberty!

Chase knew that Everest was closer to where he lives and could have called her instead, but he grew very close with Liberty ever since she freed him out of the Dog Jail that Humdinger’s Henchmen put him in, and even though he and Liberty lately have only been able to see each other Virtually, he knew that if he needed anything, he could always count on her to helping him and the other Pups’ out, so then, he used his Pup-Tag to call Liberty…


Liberty was starting to move and wake up, since the effects of the Anesthesia started to wear off, and as she was regaining her consciousness, she immediately felt pain on her head…

Liberty: Ouch! My head! (Groaning) What happened?

Just then, Liberty received a call on her Pup-Tag, and she was very excited to see who was calling her…

Liberty: Oh my Goodness! It’s Chase! He’s calling me! Maybe he and I can visit the other Pups!

Liberty then realized that it was pretty late outside, and she chuckled at herself…

Liberty (Chuckles): Maybe it’s a little too late for that, Hey, maybe he needs my help with something!

Liberty then picked up the call…

Liberty: Hi Chase! How’s it going my Favorite German-Shepherd?
Chase (Rolls his eyes): I’m the only German-Shepherd you know.

Liberty: It doesn’t matter, I really like you, anyways, Is there anything you need help with?

Chase: Yes, I really need your help! My Team…, Has been Taken!

Liberty gasped and was shocked about what Chase said…

Liberty: B-B-B-But, who, where and why!?

Chase: I don’t know Liberty! The only Team Member I’ve got here remaining who somehow managed to escape is Skye, but she’s not responding, I’ve tried waking her up multiple ways, but she is out cold, and.., I need a Really Good Friend by my corner to take care of Skye, and also perhaps help me find and search for clues about Ryder and the other Pups, I’ll send you Coordinates of where our Original Lookout Tower is.

Liberty: You don’t have to say anymore Chase, I’m on my way!

Liberty then got up, and got on top of her motorcycle, started it up, and she received the Coordinates Chase gave her, and then headed towards the Adventure Bay Lookout to help out one of her Closest Friends of the PAW Patrol…

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