"So... Who are You?"

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"And perhaps as importantly, 'Why are you here?'"

"You could be, like most people, someone who has seen better days and is desperate to return to them. You might have hit rock bottom and decided that maybe digging down was the way to get back up. There could be something out of your control that you want to be fixed, perhaps someone got arrested or is in the hospital. You could have come here seeking fortune, connections, or revenge. Perhaps you are looking for something or someone in particular, and want them found. You may have even come here to start anew somewhere else with a fresh identity."

"Well, you're in luck, because all of those things can be done for you. You tell me what you need and I'll tell you what it would cost you. But don't worry, I'll offer you a rather simple deal:"

"You do what I tell you to do & I'll do what you asked of me."



You have signed a contract with Morningstar, what you asked from him is something only the two of you know, but now you are his employee, and you will become a Shadowrunner for him until your contract expires or is completed.

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