Twice Loved at Armageddon, Part V

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Chapter Ten:  When Scott adds modern subjects to Farah's education and consults his blackberry for lesson plans, Farah demands to know where he really comes from.  No scholar she knows of has his knoweldge.  He at length explains his true origin, explains the timeline and two thousand years of history, and their relationship in the future.

Chapter Eleven:  When Scott explains how she is an archaeologist in modern times, she wants to understand what it is.  He shows her trash pits, construction sites where they cover old buildings with dirt and build on them. Several levels of cities lie in mounds such as at Megiddo.  When he takes her to Mount Gilboa, site of their future dig, he has her uncover some artifacts.  After burying them, they are attacked by Barabbas and his bandits.  He's barely able to fight them off. 

Chapter Thirteen

   Scott continued to provide Flavius with technical plans to help strengthen Roman fortifications and general readiness.  His simple basic sanitation instructions would hold down diseases that plagued massive armies in those times.  Flavius first questioned their need but confessed they had no present methods to prevent diseases.  But he persuaded a commander to use them during a punitive campaign into Syria.  Upon his return, he reported far fewer sick soldiers than before.  He said he would continue to practice the new methods and include his positive recommendation with Flavius's next report to the emperor.  Their general use in all the legions might follow.

   Scott used his blackberry's virtual university to research projects to keep Flavius content.  He paid Scott well for his services. This provided Scott with more than enough funds to expand Farah's education. He hired a Rabbi to teach her Hebrew.  Since the Council of Rabbis in Israel would not finalize their list of authoritative scriptures until A.D. 90, her teacher had surprising latitude.  Until they closed their Canon, what non-Jews would call the Old Testament, he could use the Torah, the Prophets, and all controversial sacred writings 

   Although Scott himself couldn't read Hebrew easily, Farah picked it up right away.  Scott knew this addition to her Greek and Latin would provide her with a depth indispensible to an archaeologist in Palestine. Everyday Farah's questions to her tutors were more pointed, more searching. To develop her super intellect, she needed only the fertile stimulus Scott was providing.

  The next step was to begin her transition into the modern world. Although Farah was a genius, her world view was the same as other ancient academics. Scott understood that her extraordinary abilities would be of little use following her sudden exposure to the modern world. Culture shock would incapacitate her if unprepared.  While he was intelligent in his own right, his mental capacity paled next to hers.  In spite of that, he was never insecure in their relationship at the dig site. Neither would he be now. Farah had loved him for what he was: little more than an average Joe but with a remarkable drive for developing every innate creative mental ability he had and for drawing the best from others. Above all, in Scott she saw wisdom well beyond his years: unselfishness, intense devotion, and an unwavering love for her.

   Scott was exactly what Farah needed in his world or hers. First, he well understood both the ancient and modern worlds. His phenomenal success dealing with the Romans showed that.  Second, he was adept at making plans and following them to fruition.

   Now was the time to introduce Farah to modern subjects. Using his blackberry's virtual university, he wrote lesson plans on papyrus, which he bound into codex notebooks. He presented a variety of new subjects to Farah, among which were biology, mathematics, physics, and English.

   After Farah's academic classes were over each day, she got together with Corrina and servants to work on it every spare minute. Farah set up her embroidery frame for the chest piece and other designs to include in her wedding dress.  Every Syrian girl prided herself on making her own wedding clothes. Farah had to make up for lost years during which she believed marriage was out of the question.

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