Ch. 3 Little Miss Perfect

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Hana's Pov: I was still weirded out by the fact that Aerwyna and some other girl said I was everyone's favorite. I'm not a +A student like my friend Lily and everyone loves her. Well not everyone cause some students hate the fact that she always gets good grades. It's not like she goes up to them and says "It looks like I'm the best and you are the worst!" Lily actually helps people with the work if they want or need it. I'm guessing that they are just jealous at the fact that Lily is so perfect all the time. +A in every single class, +A on every test. She basically what every parent wants their kid to be. That's why she got the name "Little Miss Perfect" and gets to skip any class she wants whenever she wants and nobody would bat an eye. I'm pretty sure if Lily was to bully someone nobody would care. Lily thinks it's unfair that she gets special treatment just because she
get +A on everything. Sometimes Lily wishes that she can fail a test or have a bad grade so she gets an F- or anything lower then C- so she can prove that she isn't perfect. I don't do anything like her. Yet I'm all the girls favorite on this bus?! Heck I'm not even as pretty as Lily. Like anytime she looks at me my heart skips 3p beats. Well maybe I have a crush on her and that's why but I don't know cause I don't know. Why did I spend so much time thinking about Lily? Do I like her?! This is kinda weird...

"Seriously you make Hana have a crush on Lily??"

"I ship them okay!"

"Lily ends up with someone else's ocs! I'm pretty sure Hana is the same too!"

"But in a another AU they do!"

"This is the main AU! Not the 'Hopeful' one."

Aerwyna: Hana were at school.

Hana: Oh. I thought it takes a while to get here.

Aerwyna: Well it does but you were just thinking in your head.

Hana: Oh.

Aerwyna: Let's get going the bus driver needs to pick up the younger children now.

Both girls got off the bus and headed to the front doors.
Aerwyna: I'll see you in first period Hana! *waves bye to Hana*

Hana: *Waves back to Aerwyna* Bye love.

Hana's Pov: I didn't know that me and Aerwyna didn't have the same homeroom. Hm, I wonder if Lily and Noah are in school today. I hope they are cause I didn't get to hang out yesterday with them after school. I feel bad for telling them I couldn't leave my "home" cause my mom wanted me to watch some of the little kids. Even if it wasn't my fault that I couldn't hang out with them I still feel like it is my fault. I walked down the hall and made a right turn I pasted room 173 and after I pasted three lockers I found mu locker. I took out what I needed for math class and went into room 174. When I entered the room a blonde puppy boy waved at me and I saw his tail going crazy. A girl with redish hair that fades to white was sitting next to him and turned to looking at me smiled. My heart skips so many beats, I walk up to both of them and sat down next to the girl that smiled at me. These two are my friends Noah and Lily, Noah is a puppy that has been kicked so many times that he is scared of everyone other then me and Lily. He is very protective over me and Lily.

Noah: Hana! I missed you.

Hana: Puppy eyes, you just saw me yesterday.

Noah: I know, I just love you... In a sibling way not romantic.

After math for second period the three kids had ELA/English. During the middle of ELA/English one of the theee was called to the guidance counselor.

Teacher: Noah Love Hansen?

Noah: Yes?

Teacher: Ms. Wendell, would like to see you. I'll give you a hall past. *walks to their desk and writes Noah a hall pass*

Noah: Oh okay. *Walks to the teacher's desk*

Teacher: *Hands the note to Noah* Here you go.

Noah: Thank you. *Walks out to the class room*

Noah's Pov: Once I went out of the class room I went up the stair case but I didn't know how to get there cause my class room was on the first floor in the lower eighth grade hallway and I never had a ckass here until this year. So i went down the stairs and went to the fifth grade hallway and took the first stairs in that hallway and went to the guidance office. When I entered I met the lady in the frout and she let me go see Ms. Smith.

Ms. Smith: Hello Noah, it's been a while.

Noah: I know.

Ms. Smith: So I know last time we talked you said that some things aren't going so well at home. Correct?

Noah: Yeah...

Ms. Smith: So how are things going now?

Noah: Well

To be continued

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