Ch. 1 Morning Sweetheart

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Trigger warning: mention of aduse, drugs and an alcoholic parent

Lily's Pov: It's currently 4:41 AM I'm in my bedroom pretending to be asleep. For almost my whole life I have never been able to sleep or take naps. It's all because I keep getting those memories each time I try to sleep. It's also probably because I am still not being used to this new life I have. My new father is the King of all demons, most people would think the King of demons would be scary looking but my father is the opposite of that he looks like a softie. Which he is but can be easily angered when it comes to people hurt his people, kids, or his wife aka my new mother. She is the Queen of all genies, she likes to go out of the house for morning walks at 5:00 AM well actually she goes out at 4:59 AM but I like to say 5:00 AM. I hear someone knocking at my bedroom door.

Queen Samira: *Opens the door a little*
Sweetheart? Are you awake?

Lily: *fake yawns* Mother?

Queen Samira: Morning sweetheart! Sorry for waking you but do you want to go on a walk with me?

Lily: *stretches her arms out* Sure mother.

Queen Samira: Alright sweetheart! Get dressed then we will get going. *walks out of the room closings the door*

Lily: Okay mother.

Lily's Pov: I got out of bed, took a shower, got dressed, brushed my hair blah blah blah basically what I do every day. I went to go find my mother who is standing at the door waiting for me.

Queen Samira: Ready?

Lily: Yes mother.

Queen Samira: Well let's get going. *grabs Lily's hand*

After exiting the castle they both got on a magic carpet and flew away. After some time they made it to a park in Zahramay Falls.

Lily: Wow, this place is cool.

Queen Samira: I'm glad you like. It's quite a lovely place.

Lily: Alright mom.

Both mother and daughter walked around for a bit but Lily would have rather have spend time with a villain or the name everyone calls him. The Creator. The Creator was known for many deaths, destroyed cities and towns and many other horrible thing yet the young girl found comfort in him.

"Are you sure you want to introduce him this early?"

"People already know about him, it wouldn't be much of a surprise to the people if later on that we said he is the antagonist. So i'll just introduce him now."

A bit later Lily and her mother went back to the palace

Lily: Hey mom?

Queen Samira: Yes sweetheart?

Lily: Can I go to the human world to see my friends?

Queen Samira: Sure thing. Just be careful!

Lily: Thanks mom! *walks out of the palace*

Lily's Pov:
I was outside, then I touched the diamond on my necklace it started to glow and clouds went around me and lifted me off the ground which consumed me and teleported me to the human world.

Lily: It's nice to be back, I'm gonna buy something for Ms. Amy and her kids.

Lily's Pov:
I walked to shop that was by the corner and I say Ms. Amy and her kids.

Lily: Hello, Ms Amy.

Ms. Amy: Hello dear.

Lily: How has a been?

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