💜Sweet Revenge

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Park Ryna is busy reading a book in her gap time before other teacher come. Suddenly she heard shoes sound echo in her ear. Then a teacher entering the class and of course it none other than Mr. Min. Her teacher that she hate the most. Whenever his class, she got chill and she remember the scene other day. The way he kiss her cheek. She cursed. She had feeling that she will be in detention today. She lazily put aside her book and open his text book. She then stare at him.

"Welcome class and good evening we will continue our lesson yesterday." he said while he take out his text book. He then look catch your eyes as you now looking at him with you eyes almost went out. You stare at him. He like your eyes. It beautiful. He miss you.

Not to mention his subject is at the end of today class and early in the morning everyday. So basicaly we meet everyday and it suck me. He then prepare to teach but suddenly he notice your desk is not empty like two days ago. There's you sitting beautifully and still stare there and he smile while smirking.

"Okay class, done for today class and make sure to submit your work to me tomorrow on my desk." He said while packing his stuft.

" And Miss Park, i want your moment, i need to discuss your lesson that you skip" he said looking directly to her. He sit but he crossed his arm on his body waiting for you.

She got startled when packing due to Mr Min ask to meet her. Screw her life. Dont remind me about that scene please. She start walking and stand in front him.

" What do you want. I want to go back early today. Later i will ask my friend about your lesson that i skip." She avoid his eyes while talking. Not because she got intimande but she shy. She still remember the scene. Luckily today i'm focus, so no detention today horey. Then she still waiting for him to answer but seem like Mr Min gaze out. His mind not with him. He stare at me blankly.

" Yes Mr Min? Need help? Or do you perhap miss me??" She ask again while looking at him. Day by day Mr.Min getting hot and hot and always good looking and wearing smart suit but why he is still single or perhap he is gay? She wondering in her mind. Dont look at me like that, i might fall please.

                                         His outfitHe look at you

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                                         His outfit
He look at you. Then he smirk. Look like you had already fallen in my gaze.

"Miss Park?? Ohh Miss Park Ryna. Do you hear me?? I told you earlier? Or perhap did you keep daydreaming about me?? He ask her seducely.

She startled and her soul going back in her body.
" Yes Mr. Min, i-i i'm sorry i not focuses on what you say ealier, can you please repeat? She stutter fuck but then she ask while act cute. She know he will melt at his action.

" I said where are you last two day? What are you doing?? You not coming to my class. Do you okay? Did you has fever or catch cold? Did you unconcious too long? I do chat you but you not replying my chat?? Or perhap did you dont want to see me everyday? I will ask the principal to renew my schedule lesson? I'm worried about you. Could you please inform me too?? He ask too many questions. His eyes turn to soft. It show care.

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