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Man, oh, man, you're my best friend, I scream it to the nothingness

There ain't nothing that I need

Well, hot and heavy pumpkin pie, chocolate candy, Jesus Christ

Ain't nothing please me more than you

Oh, home, let me come home

Home is wherever I'm with you

home- edith whiskers

"You look like you've been run over...3 times brought back to life like Frankenstein and then bitch slapped by a homeless man"

I looked at my so called best friend as she took into my appearance with such love and adoration it touched me from the bottom of my heart and ass, I gave her back a loving smile as my hands gestures showed the amount I loved her.

"I love you too Mia, I missed you as well and yes my trip was fine" Sarcasm rolled off my tongue with easy, my voice sounding raspy and deep. I barely had the energy to put my middle finger down as she rolled her eyes.

Having sex in the beach was something I always wanted it to do in my life seeing that it would be romantic in some way, yet it's all fun and games until someone decides it'll be fun to go skinny dipping in the middle of the night -a cold night I might add.

So I was currently sick, my eyes hurt from being open and letting the stupid light hit them, my back hurt from existing and standing up not to mention how my throat hurt and throbbed as if I had pipped the sand man and his cock was made out of sand paper on how scratchy it felt when I swallowed.

Also I still find sand falling off me here and there, so that's a great plus.

Now you ask me if Harry was having the same problems, no, he was perfectly fine. It made me want to smother him in his sleep with my pillow but I literally didn't have the energy to lift my pinky finger up.

"Sorry Char, how was your trip anyways...aside from the beautiful sight of death your face holds" I snorted as I dug myself deeper into the couch feeling a little bit cold even though I had a blanket draped over me.

I smiled "I met his mother....she didn't like me in the start tho-"

"Well that's no surprise"

I glared as she raised her hands up "Anyways, she did end up liking as we bonded on how much her son is an idiot some times when he acts without thinking which makes me want to bitch slap the british out of his mouth" I still held a small grude towards Harry for making me feel the way that I did but I was greatful for the talk and how he owned up to his mistakes, and still trying to fix how he hurt me. "THEN I found out that he's actually Russian...his whole family is which caused a small tiny winy isty bisty argument between the both of us"

"Oh no...tell me you didn't" I didn't even look at her knowing that her assumptions were right, I had ran till I didn't know where to go.

But it was the only thing that I could do at the moment, or I would have escalated the fight even more. For a short tempered person as myself, I hated confronting or even fighting people which is why my flight or fight mode always was flight then fight.

"I needed space to think, it was a lot of things coming at once...with Natasha and with Harry. And knowing that Harry knows a little bit about my past with her and finding out he lied to me about his...it just freaked me out so I needed out. I ended up back at the collegue campus since I really didn't know where to go-  kinda ran into Mr. H in the lawn with his PJ's on which for a guy that age, no man should wear that much fish on themselves" I mean it's better than his wrinkled and ugly suits that don't fit him but still, it's like a huge toddler walking around campus "We talked a little and for an odd he actually helped, like a lot, for a small second I think he got that stick out of his ass, probably cause he's fuckin the teacher in class 17 but that's beside the point"

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