Mommy, Take Me Back Home! 2 Part 104

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The next day, the Agarwals goes to the school to speak with principal Richardson on the behalf of what Martia been going through since last year, and that they need Mr. Perkinson fired.
"I'm terribly sorry for your loss, but I just can't believe a teacher of our would do a such thing like that to a student," he said.
"We have her suicide letter right here she wrote before she died," Mala said.
"May I see," he said, reaching out his hands.
Mala hands it over to him, and he reads the whole letter of what Martia said about Mr. Perkinson. After he read it, he went silent for a second in hestant, and he gives the paper back to Mala. "If Mr. Perkinson is the kind of a man you say he is, I will do a search in tis office to see if I could find anything that's regarding Martia. I would have his office surveillance and I will let you know if we find anything suspicious. But you would have to report this issue to police as well so they can look in to it," he informed.
"Okay, thank you for helping us sir," Abe said.

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