Mommy, Take Me Back Home! 2Part 67

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"Listen to me clearly, Trenti. You did not kill him. I believe Rob killed him and is dragging you into the fall to help him do his dirty work. Mr. Baker's body could show proof that he was killed somehow, than you didn't make him die of a stupid heart attack," Chris explained.
Trenti just sits and stares hard at Chris. "So what the hell am I going to do now? The body is already buried. If I call the police, they will arrest my foreign ass. What if he did die of an heart attack?" Trenti asked uncertainly.
"You said he's buried in the school's basement right?" Chris asked.
"It's in that basement, way in the back. There is a stinky, filthy corner where the janitor stores the garbage bags in," Trenti informs.
"Let me see. So do you have a key to get into this basement?" Chris asked.
"No, but maybe you could use a safety pin or a hammer to unlock the door," he said.
"Great," Chris said.
"What time do you both usually leaves the basement after he digs?" He asked.
"Around 3:00pm," Trenti informs.
"Okay, since the man is buried, we have to dig him up. We have to see if what actually killed him, and that will give us something to go on from," Chris said.
"I don't think so, I'm too nervous to do that after I just witnessed him dead, and buried," Trenti said.
"Trenti, I have a feeling something is not right about this, it is all too easy. Rob sees you stealing the man's money, and all of a sudden he has a heart attack, that doesn't make any sense to me at all," Chris snaps. "He might of went in and snooped around. Do it seem mighty strange to you that he dies in seconds of an heart attack after looking into his wallet?" Chris asked.
"Yeah, it sure does... You know... It really do seem strange." He have not really thought it through on thinking of how Mr. Baker was killed.
"Another thought just came to me. If Mr. Baker was having an heart attack, why Rob didn't bother calling 911 immediately? Ain't that's what most people do when something quickly happens unexpectedly? No one just sits there or stand in one spot and decides the person is dead and ready to be buried in a hole," Chris informs.
"Trenti is really giving it some thought on everything Chris is advising him. There is a possibility that Mr. Baker's death was caused by something else. Trenti feels hope that maybe he was not the person who caused Mr. Baker's death. "You really think that Rob could have actually killed Mr. Baker?" Trenti asked uncertainly.
"Possible, yeah. That's why we have to dig him up to find evidence. I have a cousin who is a police officer who could help us with this search. I promise you Trenti, I will be there with you on this, every step of the way," Chris said giving Trenti a hand shack
"Thanks Chris," he said.

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