The gas station

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Branch: *Walks in* "Umm where can I find the bathroom?"

Store attendant: "Umm up head on your right"

Branch: "Thanks"

Store attendant: "Weren't you in that police car?"

Branch: "Yes?"

Store attendant: "Okay?...."

"Branch goes to the bathroom and thinks what he wants to eat."

Branch: "should I get Takis or hot cheetos?"

Guy in the next stall: "Can you shut up?"

Branch: "I'm your King ya kn- nevermind."

Police officer: "What's taking him so long?"

"He goes in to check on Branch then walks out "NOPE""

Branch: "huh?"

When Branch gets back in the car and after he got his snacks he asked if he could call his lawyer yet.

Branch: "Can I call my lawyer please also my wife?"

police officer: "Not right now, sorry."

Branch: "Why?"

Police officer: "Just because you're the king, doesn't mean you can get whatever you want—"

Branch: "says here 'king or queen can do whatever they please, with their heritage of being royalty, then can get, buy, and do whatever they are willing to do' (legacy 952)"

Police officer: "You just made that up"

Branch shows him the book of legacy's and tells him it's real and he didn't make it up

Police officer: "well fine whatever"

Branch: "thank you"

Branch calls Poppy then explains dumb things about Willow and Twigs protection. Then he calls his lawyer and tells him why he is in a police car.

Branch's lawyer: "Yes, okay, I'll be there. Thank you Branch"

Police officer: "Done?"

Branch: "Yes."

I know it's short but here's chapter 4...
I'm writing a new book about broppy day because I wanted to and about Broptember. I know it's not the 21st anymore but I still wanted to do it, I started it on the 21st then stopped because of homework. I'll get back too it!

Anyway by for now!! 💙💖

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2021 ⏰

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