Hospital (again😝)

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Branch: "Pops! Are you okay?!?!"
Poppy: "Yes babe I'm fine."
Branch: "good, good. Umm so how about you just lay down and rest your arm?"
Poppy: "okay.." *kisses Branch's cheek*
Branch: *walks out and a cop shows up to him*
Officer: "Hey, Branch right?"
Branch: *Scared* "Yes? Do you need something?"
Officer: "Yes. You killed the whole Town Hall? Right?
Branch: "Yes! But for a good reason of protection!" *rubs his arm and and looks down then back up and the Officer* "Listen I broke my arm then ended up in the hospital then got a number from a dude named Leo-"
Officer: "LEO?? He was in jail a month ago!"
Branch: "WHAT?!"
Officer: "he probably wanted to use you for something but your still getting arrested"
Officer: "your still getting arrested"
Branch: "Omc..."
Officer: "Common" Puts handcuffs on Branch and puts him the vehicle
Branch: Thinks to himself "I did for a good reason I hope"  Out loud "Ummm sir..."
Officer: "Yes"
Branch: "I'm gonna go to court first right?"
Officer: "Yes.. why"
Branch: "Can I get my lawyer?"
Officer: "uhhh"
Branch: "Do you have a phone?"
Officer: "Call him when you get there, alright."
Branch: "Kay"
               {At the Town hall}
Willow: "Where dada go wif dat officer!"
Poppy: "To court...."
Willow: "So he might go to jwail??!"
Poppy: "I hope not sweetie" Poppy frowned
Willow and Twig both sat on the ground wondering what they could do to help their dad
Twig: "Can we help dada?"
Poppy: "as his defendant in court I can you can't but I'll try and be a big help. If you need too, you can tell me what to say."
Twig and Willow smile a little bit frown as they think of the thought that he can go to jail for a long time and might not see him again.
              {Back with Branch}
Branch: sighs ".....Ummm hey....."
Officer: "Yes?"
Branch: "ummmmm Hi... can we stop?"
Officer: "So you can escape, I don't think so!"
Branch: "No so I can PEE"
Officer: "Oh... Ummm I mean as long as you don't run away"
Branch: "If I'm loyal to my wife ima be loyal and willing to not leave this town. I will serve my time so stop here... and I'm hungry...."
Officer: "fine" grabs his wallet and hands Branch $20 "Don't spend it own junk ya hear?"
Branch: "I said I was loyal not promisingly loyal...."    Branch made a face -____-
Officer: "Ohhhh kayyyyy"
Branch: Takes the money "Thank," sings "YoUuUuuUUU"
Officer: "Even when your going to go to jail your singing, wow"
Branch: "ima Troll, ima head in BRB"
Officer: "I hope he's not lying....."

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