Town Hall

25 2 0

Branch: "What do you want me to do now?"
Leo: "Kill them"
Branch: "fine! *walks in* EVERYONE PUT YOUR HANDS UP!!"
Troll: "Please no, don't do this!"
Branch: "listen ma'am, if I don't do this my whole family will be killed!"
Troll: "I don't care about your family, I have a baby waiting for me at home!😠"
Branch: "listen, I guess you don't care if your Queen, Princess and Prince die"
Troll 2: "Omg no..."
Branch: *sighs* "I'm so sorry....."
*Shoots everyone in the room then everyone in the other rooms*
"Omg what have I done!?"
Leo: "good job Branch"
Branch: "huh?" *Leo brings in Branch's family* "POPPY, WILLOW, TWIG!!" *runs to them*
Leo: "but I still have one more thing for you to do..."
Poppy: "please don't make him kill anymore people...."
Leo: "I know, but here's the thing I need him to do.... *hands him a piece of paper* there
Branch: "ummm.... *reads* Oh okay, it says to... clean the..?? What??
Leo: "my attic, sorry bad spelling...."
Branch: "why your Attic?"
Leo: Because... I need someone to do it for me.."
Branch: -_______-
Poppy: "babe Chill....."
Branch: "yeah I'm not doing this."
Leo: "yes you are!"
Branch:"NO I'M NO—"
Leo: *shoots Poppy's arm*
Branch: "POPPY!!! You are CRAZY!! Oh you forgot I still have the shotgun!" *pulls out shotgun and kills Leo*

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