A Cycle Begins and Ends

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This one-shot is based on a story that I've read, that which I loved the concept of. So I decided to write one of my own. I didn't copy the story, just what it faces, but I also added what I wanted. All in all, the story is similar to what Ash is going through, just that someone different is going to help Ash.

Anyways, enjoy.

It was dark, it was humid, it was quiet, but most important he felt alone.

He didn't know why, he's supposed to be celebrating his victory over his Alolan League victory. It was amazing, so euphoric that it was exhausting. Then a sudden Ultra Beast attack, made his exhaustion worse. But it was all over.

Yet why couldn't he sleep?

Ash, looking out the sunroof of prof. Kukui's house knew that the stars would slowly move through time. All of which could be spent resting.

But Ash knew from experience, that sleep wouldn't come for a while.

Being careful to not wake up Pikachu, Ash rose from his bed and changed into a set of clothes. That being a plain white shirt, with black shorts and sandals. Ash brushed Pikachu's fur with his hand until he let go and headed down a ladder to the main area of the house.

Being mindful as he stepped over Lycanroc, and not making too much noise for Rowlet sleeping on a chair. Reaching the door, Ash looked back and gave a smile, and opened it before gently closing it.

Walking through the sandy beach, Ash began to converse with himself.

"Calm down, calm down. Everything is fine,"

Ash was right, everything was fine. Nothing bad happened, yet he's had worse. Oh, how he's had worse.

Closing his eyes Ash, could shudder as his unconscious mind gave him memories of terrible events with different results. From seeing the world end, to worse ways. But Ash shook his mind away. Not now and not ever will he break down now, in front of Pikachu, in front of his friends. He just needed rest, but that was near impossible with his past haunting him. 'Man do I need sleep,' Ash grumbled inside himself.

A friend of his always told him to talk to someone. And how could he not, he has Pikachu, his mom, prof. Oak, prof. Kukui, and many more. But what then?

Ash fell to his knees as he couldn't stop his tears from escaping his eyes. "Why, why me. Latios, Lucario, I'm sorry," Ash cried to himself.

He wanted to stop, but the aftermath of near-death experiences, encounters with legendary pokemon and more had him on his knees. He would have kept on going but something stopped him.


Turning to his right, Ash was amazed to see a floating dragon beside him.

"A Latias?"

"La," the Latias confirmed as it tackled Ash to a hug.

Ash didn't know what to do as he let the pokemon hug him. He gave a hesitant pat on the pokemon's back. The pokemon reeled its head back and seemed to yip at him, giving weird hand signs. Ash chuckled at the scene as he said, "I'm sorry but I don't think I've met you."

"La," the Latias sighed out before it connected its head to his forehead.

Suddenly, the memories flooded back into Ash as he remembered who the Latias was. It was the one from Altomare. It... no she showed him about what happened, it showed her leaving Altomare and coming to Alola.

"But why?" Ash said, the tears slightly pouring.

She bobbed her head in happiness as she yipped a few times. When she finished her story, not that Ash understood her, she began to do a double-take on him. Her face was full of concern as she eyed Ash on why there were tears on his cheek.

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