Basketball, Baby Girl? #002

48 3 2

published: 22/03/2015
last updated: as above

So here's the full first chapter. I've done a plan and cover and everything, but this will story be written when I get a laptop, which my parents won't let me get until Uni, which is in like 4 years. But I'll be writing it still:) Anyway, first chappy. Let me know what you think, becaause honestly, I love it.

I had the potential to be good at basketball. I knew I did. I just needed more practice. No matter how lazy I was, if I could be good at any sport at all, I would jump at the chance.

And so after school, I rang my mum to tell her that I would be late home, sent a text whizzing to my best friends, Layla and Madeleine, that Cody, my brother, wasn’t coming to pick us up, then sent a text to said chauffeur so he didn’t come. I could get the bus; it was easy enough.

I then rushed to my locker to drag out my PE kit, raced to the changing rooms and was changed in record time. Yes, I was that excited. Making my way to the sports hall, I flicked the light switch on as I passed it and picked up a firm, non-deflated basketball, giving it a couple of test bounces. When I was satisfied with it, I dribbled to the basket, catching it from my last bounce when I got to a reasonable distance to the basket. I aimed it, then bent my legs, springing up as I released the ball.

It rolled off my fingers and seemed to flow through the air in slow motion. Finally, it hit the backboard, bouncing onto the rim. It rolled around the hoop, looking like it was about to fall in. Then it fell. I released the breath I didn’t know I was holding as I let out a groan of frustration at the ball falling on the wrong side of the rim. What a tease. I was actually really close as well!

“Nice try, baby girl, but I’m afraid you’re throwing it wrong.”

I whirled around, about to scold whoever the sexy deep voice belonged to for calling me baby girl. No kidding, my mouth was open, ready to speak, but then shut abruptly. Why, you ask? Because the guy’s looks matched his voice perfectly. Damp brown hair fell messily onto the forehead of a tanned face. Abs (and may I add that he had an extremely defined six pack) glistened from the droplets of water resting tantalisingly o them. A dark towel was wrapped securely around his waist. Raising my eyes back to his face, I saw plump, pink lips curled in a smirk. Dark eyes were gazing at me, a hint of playfulness evident.

“Done checking me out yet?”

I blushed profusely, trying to gather my thoughts together. My thoughts were pretty much like John Green called them. They were, and I quote, “stars I can’t fathom into constellations”. I didn’t even like the Fault in Our Stars! I had such high expectations for the movie. Needless to say, I was let down massively by it. Not a single tear was shed. Man, the Fault in Our Stars is so overrated. Call me heartless, but hey, it’s only fictional. A small cough from Mystery Guy reminded me of his presence and the question he’d just asked. I felt my cheeks heating up again.

“No- I- Why are you in only a towel?!”

“Because I know you want to see me shirtless like this.”

That sexy smirk – no, annoying smirk – was still present on his face. I honestly didn’t think my cheeks could get any more red. Apparently it was possible though, as I felt my cheeks getting even warmer. He may look like the son of God (and know it, too), but this guy was too cocky for my liking. Jerkface.

“Only kidding, I just got out of the shower. I thought I turned the lights off, but when I saw them on, I came to investigate.”

“Oh.” Maybe he wasn’t too bad. I mean, he didn’t single me out; he was just curious.

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