Chapter 17

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"Mr way, your partners in labor, I know it seems early but that baby's coming now" Gerard held onto Frankie's hand and nodded "all I care about is that Frankie and my baby are gonna be ok" the doctor nodded "I can assure you that they're both going to be ok"

Frank was crying horribly, it was one of the worst pains they've ever felt, worse the hen they were hit by a car.

After a few hours they needed to start pushing. They tried and tired but their body was too exhausted.

"EMERGENCY CSECTION WERE LOOSING THEM!!!!" Doctors and nurses were running around the room like crazy. Gerard and Frankie were sobbing together. "It's ok, you're gonna be ok. And so is bandit I promise baby I promise" Frankie nodded and told themselves to trust him.

Gerard was asked to leave the room while they did the csection. He begged to stay with Frankie but they didn't let him. He sat in the hallway listening to his partner scream in pain. He cried and pulled at his hair, frustrated that he couldn't help or stop the pain in anyway. He wanted to hurt the doctors even though they were just doing their job trying to save his baby and partner.

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