Chapter 11.1

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Hey readers I'll right the POV of other important characters as well

Adam's POV
My life was completely messed up before I met my little kittie. Well to be honest, at first I only want her for one night stand but slowly I got to know that it was not just lust. No girl ever said no to me but my girl is a little feisty, she threw water at me when asked her to be my girlfriend cause she thought that I want her body. Well was not a complete lie and truth as well. I was also unaware of my feelings at that time. The only thing that I want at that time was her by my side. For the first time I felt this way for a girl. I got jealous of a boy who was kissing her. Although he just kissed her forehead but how dare he. I so wanted to rip his body with my bare hand. Not able to control myself, I pulled both of them apart and started throwing punches at him. She was really pissed of that day. Next time when my blood boiled was the day when a man drugged my kittie and was trying to took advantage of her. I am known for my playboy, calm and composed behaviour but this angry man behaviour was beyond shocked for everyone but even for me as well. I beat the shit out of him, infact I almost killed him that day if not for the cops who reached on time to arrest that bastard. That day I was confirmed about my feelings for her and was hellbent to make her fall for me. I stopped being playboy and ordered my secretary to not allowed a single fling in my office. I made every girl clear to stay away from me otherwise they will face the consequences. All were shocked to see me like this except for my secretary, my friend Daniel and my lovely SIL. I tried really hard to impress her but results were zero but thanks to my SIL Advira and her friend Srishti who made her understand that I love her and she accepted to date with me. Now it's my turn to make her feel the same way I feel for her. I'll give her everything she deserves , My Maria my little kittie.

Maria POV

It's been a week since I'm dating him. He is doing everything to make me happy and comfortable but sometimes he is too irritating and not to forget about his lame jokes 
We went for a lunch date in a cafe


"Tell me.... What will bathroom say to toilet."

"I don't know" I said in a bored tone

"You look flushed"


"what... you should  laugh at my joke"

" Really, is it a joke? This is nonsense"

"Mary baby, sweetheart"


"Can I kiss you"


"Yes... You told me to not to kiss you without your consent "

"You know what Adam I've bunch of work to do. Bye"

" Hey wait little kittie........"

Ignoring him I left the cafe.....

Sometimes he behaved like a child. He is really possesive as well. He even beat my friend for kissing me on my forehead , at that time we didn't even know each other properly and my friend is a gay for god sake. I was angry at him when he kissed me without my consent. Well it would be lie if I say that I didn't like that but the image of him kissing other girls came to my mind which shook my faith in this relationship, but now he is not a casanova anymore, still I can't trust him. It's not that I don't have any feelings for him, it's just I'm afraid..... afraid of whatever happened to me in the past. I can't trust anyone. I don't want to fall in love with him and then got ditched by that person. But considering Advira and Srishti's words I think I should this relationship a chance. With him, I feel different. May be he is the one for me.

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