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It was the next day of school as us all four entered in the building and everyones eyes were on us.

"Woah." Nelly said.

But then I realized everyones eyes were on me.

I felt someone grab my hand as I looked up seeing Nick.

We continued walking as people were calling me names, "Slut" "Whore" "You are so disgusting" "You fucking prostitute."

"Shut up." Nick said as my eyes were getting watery.

"You're body is fucking hot." A creeper guy said licking his lips.

"Don't say shit like that to my girlfriend." Nick said as I grabbed his arm.

"Let it go." I whispered.

I looked up seeing Kristen looking mad at me.

"How dare you fucking sleep with my boyfriend bitch!" She slapped me across the face.

"Hey!" Nelly said as she punched Kristen in the face.

"Emma... look." Adam said showing me his phone as I grabbed it looking at it.

Jake posted the video titled "She wanted me to pay her for sex."

Tears were streaming down my face as I handed Adam the phone as I ran to the nearest washroom as I locked myself in the stall.

My life is ruined. My pride is gone. I'm exposed to everyone. They think I'm something I'm clearly not. I was helpless and desperate and in return I get this?

The washroom door opened and it was Nelly.

"Open up Emma." She said softly.

"Leave me alone." I cried.

"You need us and we are here for you. Ignore everyone and what they are saying. We know what the real story is we know you aren't any of those stuff they are calling you." She said.

"But it sucks. Sucks so badly that I get all the bad things happening to me. I just wanted to help my family. I just wanted everything to be okay." I said covering my face with my hands.

"It happened so it happened. But people will get over it." She said.

"I can never get over this, everybody has seen me naked, seen me in my worst state where I was helpless. I needed someone there for me but no one came. I lost all pride in myself and everyone who seen this video witnessed it, and you know what they are doing? They are laughing." I sobbed.

"please stop crying Emma, you are going to make me cry." She said.

"I can't help it." I said crying harder.

"Why don't I take you home huh?" She said.

I unlocked the door as she came in and hugged me as I cried on her shoulder. She was rubbing my back trying to soothe me down.

"Lets go." She said.

She opened the bathroom door as Nick was waiting right out of there.

He looked at me as his eyes showed so much emotion.

"Oh baby." He said as he hugged me.

I fell in his arks as I cried in his chest.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered in my ear.

I just cried.

"Nelly I'll take her home you go to class." He told her.

"No it's okay Nick I'll take her home." She said.

"Nelly its okay you go." I said as she looked at me as kissed my forehead going to class.

Nick was still holding me as he took me home.

So much for life getting better.

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