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Everything is going to be fine in the end.
If it's not fine it's not the end.


"Kids come lets ea-" Ruhi pause with a frown looking at the three more precisely at Ishika.

"Oh my, Ishika." Ruhi said walking towards them with Rahul trailing behind her, the moment they entre, and look touch her forehead slowly.

"What is this? How it happen? How you got hurt? Who did th-" ruhi start blabbering on looking the white bandage on Ishika's forehead, but Ranveer cut her off.

"Mom, relax. Let us in first." Said while all nod their head in anticipation. All move inside and sat in the living room. Where Ishika sit in-between ruhi and Rahul, while Gautam and Ranveer sat opposite to them, maid came with water and serve them, they all had it and she went away.

"Mom why are you crying?" Ishika asked wiping the tear strained face of ruhi.

"Are you hurt? Is it paining?" ruhi said checking for any injury on Ishika from top to bottom.

"Mom, I am alright. See I am sitting beside you fit and fine." Ishika replied cupping her face with a small smile. Ruhi touch her elbow while nodding.

"Aahhhh!" Ishika hiss in pain when ruhi touch her wounded elbow unintentially.

"See, its paining. And you are saying you are fit and fine." Ruhi scold Ishika while looking at her wounds.

"Where else did you have hurt? And how it happen actually. You were fit and fine in morning." Ruhi asked.

"Mom I am fine, it's not like I die-" Ishika spoke playfully to lighten the environment but it got backfired on her when all four yell at her in unison.

"ISHIKA" she look down realizing her mistake.

"Don't speak nonsense Ishu, just tell us how it happen?" this time Rahul spoke in stern voice clearly showing he is hurt due to Ishika's word.

"Dad I was just kidding, you know to lighten mom's mood, my intention was not to hurt you." Ishika said looking towards Rahul, who took her in fatherly hug.

"Ishika you know, I have never compared you with these two, you are as important to me as these two. So if anything happen to our daughter, don't you think these parents of yours will also got hurt? Hmm." Rahul spoke calmly this time, and ruhi pat her head from behind lovingly, while Ishika nod her head positively.

"So tell us how it happen." Rahul asked, suddenly changing the calm environment into tense one.

"Leave it dad, it's not that important." Ishika spoke, n let out a nervous chuckle and look at Ranveer for help, pleading him with her eyes to save her but he just shook his head in denial as today no one can help her on other hand he also wants to know what exactly had happened.

"ISHIKA KAPOOR." Comes a stern voice of Rahul, its confirm if Ishika didn't speak in next ten second, she will face you know what parents do when their kids don't listen to them so yeah.

"Well hum... Uh... My car.... My car got blasted?" She utter with low voice and closed her eyes in knowing what coming next, while all look at her with wide eyes.

"WHAT???" all three yell in unison except Gautam, she looked at all of them one by one while fidgeting her fingers in nervousness?

"Your car got blasted in a day light and you are fucking saying, it's not important. Are you even listening yourself Ishika." Ranveer yell at Ishika making her flinch, and he closed his eyes realizing his mistake. He ran his hand in his hairs to calm himself and sat down back on previous place.

"Shut up Ranveer." ruhi said and glared him which make him quiet and they all look at her to continue. Ishika took a deep breath and start speaking;

"Today I took left office early around 2 pm in afternoon-" Ishika start but Ranveer cut her off;

"Why?" Ranveer asked.

"I want to meet someone." She said.

"Who?" he asked her again.

"My friend." She replied irritated.

"Which friend?" he again asked raising his brows clearly in jealousy, She look at Gautam, he nods his head positively. What's going on? Thought Ranveer seeing the exchange in between them

"Gautam." She replied with blank face.

"Why?" he questioned her. 'Why they meet outside?' He thought.

"Uh stop interrupting in-between Ranveer let her finish." Rahul said in loud voice which make Ranveer silent.

"Hm, so while leaving the office, I got call from him (pointing her finger towards) Ranveer, still talking with him I sat inside my car but then I look one kid around 7-8 years was running towards center of the road without looking at his surrounding, then I saw a bus coming towards him. The board which shows bus number and the route where it will go shows something else, as break fail was written on it, the bus driver was pressing horn but the kid didn't listen then I ran out of the car to save him as people were looking but not doing anything."

"But the moment I took the kid, my car exploded. And I got injured on keeping the kid safe."

"I search for the kid parent, but they were not there, and as my phone was in the car, so I call Gautam from office and he came in few minutes as he was nearby, till he came, with help of my people I erased everything related to the accident, even threaten the media not to show it on any channel, when he came I told him what happen, then took the kid to hospital and asked Gautam to find kid's parent, and take them to hospital after finding there." 

"Soon Ranveer came and we all come home back." Ishika and took a sigh in relief and look at everyone's reaction. Tears were rolling down from Ruhi's eyes, Rahul and Ranveer were not showing any reaction, while Gautam was looking at her with sad smile and assuring her, everything will be going to okay.

"Thank god you are fine Ishu, I don't know what could have happen if you were few seconds late. That kid came as god messenger to keep you safe. If he didn't came, you will never leave the car to save him....Oh god. Tomorrow morning I am going to meet the kid and will thank his for his great fullness." Ruhi said and hug Ishika. Typical Indian mom.

"Yes we are going to meet the kid tomorrow in morning." Rahul said supporting his wife.

"And no one will think any negative thoughts that what can happen and what not, all matters Ishika is fine and with us, though injuries here and there, but still she is breathing that all matters." Rahul said with finality.

He wants to say more things but compose himself. He had many doubts that how can her car which is super serviced got blasted in daylight, he thinks someone was behind all this, and have a doubt who might it be, but shook his head not wanting to tense these people who are already tensed.

All talk for some time, ate their food and went to their respective rooms to call it a night.







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