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"I love you" begins by I, but it ends up by you.



"I don't care." Ranveer whispered breathlessly.

He crushed her against him as he again brought her mouth to his.

"Do you even know...?" he drew back for an instant, his eyebrows knit together.

"Do you know what it's like around you? I can't....." he ran one hand through his long and silky hair and stared at her.

"I can't breathe whenever you're around." He confessed cupping her cheeks with both his hands, joining their foreheads he closed his eyes.

"I don't deserve you." Ishika whispered, pushing his hairs from his eyes back.

"How dare you say that?" Ranveer replied breathlessly, not opening his deep brown eyes.

"I don't. You are so amazing and caring and someone like me doesn't deserve someone like you." She assure him, stroking his right cheek. His grip tightening around her waist.

"They are right, maybe I came in between you and her or maybe not. I don't know, and I don't want to know. Why? Because once you said that you never had any past relation with any one and I believe you coz you trusted me when I confessed that I don't love Rudra and anyone if that matters. I trust you." She whispered blinking her eyes so the tears won't fall out.

"But what I am saying that what if... what if Rudra didn't ran away from the wedding, then I will never be your wife right. Why don't you understand that I don't deserve you? We are not meant for each other. It's all because Rudra ran away, okay. If he didn't, you could have..... For me relationships are fun, you know that. I told you I was going to marry him for six months..... That girl whose own family never trusted her why are running behind her." She added with very difficulty, due to thick lump in her throat.

"In all these years I have learned a lot, like things don't always turn out the way I want them. There are things that go wrong that don't always get fixed or get put back the way they were before." Ishika continued;

"Ishika." Ranveer tried intervene but she didn't let him and nod her head in a 'no';

"I have learned that some broken things stay broken. Please don't try to fix me. Please understand I just get sad sometimes. Sometimes I just shut the world and when I feel better I let them in. I don-" she was stopped in between by Ranveer by placing his finger on his lips as his eyes go dark, extremely dark that the color of his eye changed completely from deep honey brown to darkest shade of brown;

"Shhhh." He grab her hair not so tightly in his fist, and make her move closer to his face. While with other hand he tighten his hold around her waist and took a deep breathe.

"Listen to my words and let them sink in. let them fade into you and rest in your bones. I LOVE YOU. You heard it, I LOVE YOU. And when I tell you that, it is not meant to lay on the surface with all the other words you collect or heard during the day or all these years, it is meant to live inside you." He confessed each word with intently looking in her eyes, which stare him back with wide eyes.

"I cannot remember exactly the first time your soul whispered to mine, but I know you woke it, and since then it never slept." He whispered touching his nose to her, but it seem like his soul is vowing to her soul, like the soul's finally found each other.

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