Chapter 1 - Ahh - No.

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I never really thought about how I would end up dying. I was young, only eighteen and freshly graduated when I was attacked by a group of guys as I was walking home from work. That's not to say that my home life was perfect either.. there were unfortunate issues there as well. My only constellation was that I died fighting for my life and they didn't get what they wanted from me while I lived.


When I came to I was sitting in a room surrounded by people I didn't recognize. Glancing at them I realize that they seem familiar for some reason.

"Hello Sister."

I blink, interrupting what was about to be said next with a loaded statement of horror. "Oh, fuck me."

He blinks at me and the woman besides me begins to scold me while the older man with the glasses looks at me in shock, his mouth half open.

The young man however smirks and looks at me amused as he replies. "Is that an offer dear Jamae?" Sister.

"Oh, no." I mutter under my breathe in horror as I stand up and begin to run despite their calls for me. "No.. no.. no. Fuck."

Rushing out the door I am making my way hurriedly down the hall of what seems to be a fancy restaurant. Many of the people are watching with a frown. Suddenly a hand wraps around my arm, yanking me backwards and pulling me into a hard chest. My first instinct is to fight, so as I raise my arm to hit him his hand wraps around my fist tightly.

"Aish." I hear the man mutter in annoyance as he tightens his grip on me and I notice that my muscles are much weaker here. "Stop." He orders quietly as he places his mouth near my ear, his warm breathe hitting my skin causing me to freeze in fear. "You're a making a scene, Yoo, Rachel."

He's saying something but I can't hear him as fear grips me. It's like a nightmare. Where am I? What's going on?

Glancing around wildly I notice the pretty Korean woman and the older man with glasses looking towards me. The woman looks worried and the man looks down right pissed off. Trying to pull myself away from him again his hold only seems to tighten as he holds me closer. I can feel his burning stare as I struggle.

"Let go." I grit out quietly as I glance up at him, noticing his frown as our eyes meet, an unknown emotion in his eyes. Damn, he's tall as fucking hell. "Where— who?"

"Rachel." I hear the woman say as she hesitantly steps closer towards me causing my eye to snap towards her. She looks shaken "Do you not recognize me? I'm your eomma."

I shake my head as my nerves begin to take over, the man, or boy perhaps letting me take a step back but he was not letting go of me. "No.. no.. I .. who? Who are you people?"

"Hospital." The woman who says she is my eomma mom replies worriedly as she glances between the three of them as a crowd begins to form. "I need to take her to the hospital."

She grabs me from the man who I can't remember the name of, his eyes following me heavily as she leads me out of what seems to be a resturant. My eyes continue to move around frantically, trying to catalogue everything and everyone including the exits.

"Who am I?" I whisper to myself in horror. This has to be a nightmare, it has to be. "Where the hell am I?"

"Yoo, Rachel." My apparent eomma says softly as she leads me towards a vehicle, the concern is visible on her face. "You really don't recognize me? You didn't hit your head.. there was no accident? I don't understand."

After she got me into the car I was quickly taken to a hospital, the exam room was fancy. Much fancier then I expected to see as a nurse walked in and began asking questions that I had no clue what the answers to them were. In the end I was being kept for observation, having to go through MRI's and have blood taken. The needles were terrifying in my opinion. For me, the only consolation to that was in the end I was given something for music.

To Be Yoo RachelWhere stories live. Discover now