☾ 19

667 26 3

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough

Sunghoon stepped back, falling behind Ji-eun as he watched her figure relax when she spoke to Heeseung. In his heart he felt weird. An aching pain overtook his body as he watched the two casually talk by themselves.

"Wow...how long has it been? God I was so shocked at first, I really couldn't believe it was you!" Ji-eun exclaimed, frantically throwing her hands up in the air. "And I thought I told you to stop saying you're my boyfriend!" She chuckles softly, gently smacking Heeseung on the arm.

"Aw come on..." he whined with a pout. "You're still so very cute when you're angry." He patted her head, slightly ruffling her hair.

"Yah, weren't you the one who said you needed 'space'. By the way...how's Luna?" She asked, looking up at the boy who was rubbing the back of his neck as a dry chuckle escaped from his lips. "She's...uh well we broke up." Heeseung sighed, digging his nails into the palm of his hand.

"Well hate to say I told you so...but I told you so." The girl exhaled, shaking her head in disbelief.

Luna started dating Heeseung after the boy clearly said he needed space from him and Ji-eun's relationship which was pretty healthy but somehow their feelings weren't true. They later realized that what their feelings were made them out to be best friends and not lovers however Ji-eun was the first to actually sort out her feelings. Heeseung couldn't believe it at first and still wanted to try with their relationship but after noticing it too he finally conceded. They never once fought while in their relationship but when Luna came into his life she wasn't that much understanding of Ji's and his friendship. She didn't like the fact that he was still pretty good friends with the girl who he once dated and made Heeseung shut Ji-eun out of his life. Of course, Ji was pretty devastated and did her best to talk to Heeseung, advising him that Luna was toxic but he too was also trapped under her hold.

After Ji's skating lessons became more intense, she wasn't able to contact Heeseung consistently and a part of her hated the fact that he was being so ignorant to her. She was trying to help him but he didn't listen. So technically she had a love-hate relationship with him. On the last day before Ji moved to Seoul, she tried one last time to talk to him and surprisingly this time he had listened but it was too late. Her feelings for him had withered away and she no longer loved him the way she thought she used to. They went from lovers to best friends to strangers in an instant but even after all those years she still wanted to properly clear things up with him.

"I hate you, you know." She randomly stated, getting a dramatic hurt look from Heeseung in return.

"Ouch." He placed a hand over his heart, as if it was hurting him.

"If only I had listened to you." He trailed off with a sigh, shaking his head in disappointment.

"After you started dating Luna..everything went bad from there. You shut me out and didn't try listening to me when I was trying to help you. Heh, some friend you are." Ji snapped but didn't meant for it to come off in an aggressive tone.

"I don't even know why I still worry over you even to this day." She muttered out under her breath, fixing her eyes down at her shoes.

Silence blanketed the atmosphere around them, not a single word from Heeseung could be heard. She raised her head up, looking at the kid who's lips were bent into a sad, crooked shape.

Sunghoon wasn't next to them anymore. He had left them and made his way to the auditorium all alone. The aching feeling inside of him had eased down, now knowing that it was better for them to sort out themselves first.

"I'm so sorry..." Heeseung mumbled out, suddenly pulling her into a hug. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen...I didn't want it to happen! I'm so sorry! It's fine if you don't forgive me..but I'm really sorry." His mind was jumbled and all he could really do was apologize. He felt hot tears welling up in his eyes as he held her tightly.

"H..e..y." Ji-eun choked out breathlessly. "You're suffocating me."

He quickly released his grip from around her, eyes filled with concern as he looked down at her, feeling guilt rush through his veins. It was all his fault. Their friendship was perfectly fine after they broke up but everything went downhill when he had decided to let Luna into his life.

"I'm so sorry..." he whispered out softly, tilting Ji's head up to make her look at him who had tears rolling down his cheeks. He truly felt horrible for treating his close friend like that and if he could take it back he wouldn't hesitate to do so.

"If you continue to cry you're gonna make me cry..." she lowered her tone, clasping her hands together with his.

She used her thumb to wipe off the remaining tears that threatened to roll down Heeseung's cheek, gazing at his eyes that were fixated on her. She felt hurt but after hearing him apologize, it made her feel much better than before.

Sometimes she'd hate him, miss him, want to yell at him or just forget him, but now all she wanted to do was to comfort him. She didn't mind keeping the title as his 'close' friend.

"Hey look..." She started off confidently, holding his hand tightly in hers. "It's all in the past. What Luna did...what she made you do..that was before. She pressured you into doing certain things that I know you didn't see eye to eye with her— making you discontinue contact with me. I know how you feel right now and you don't have to apologize. Heeseung, I understand. I just want things to go back how they were before but I'm also really glad we finally got to sort things out between us." She explained, snaking her hands around him, pulling him into an embrace. She gently patted his back before pulling away.

"So, am I still your friend?" She asked, a teasing chuckle escaping from her lips. He nodded, hugging her once more.

"Yeah, but not for long though..." he sighed, pulling away from her and avoiding any eye contact.

"W-what? What do you mean?" She asked in confusion.

"I'm leaving for Japan in a few days.."


"Dude? Where's Ji-eun? Why isn't she with you? Why are you here alone?" Jake asked Sunghoon who was sitting in the very end row, looking down at his shoes with a dull look splayed across his face. He sighed, running his fingers through his hair, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek while being lost in thoughts.

Sunghoon couldn't help but think about what was happening out there between them. He was nervous for some reason but couldn't quite understand why he felt that way. He couldn't keep his mind off her. Heeseung's her ex-boyfriend...what if she still liked him? No no...why do I care about that?

Many consistent thoughts kept plaguing his mind as he sat there, unbothered by the noise his friends were making to get his attention.

"Hey?!" Jake exclaimed due to frustration, finally making Sunghoon snap out of his train of thought.

"Oh..yeah?" Sunghoon answered plainly, lifeless eyes scanning Jake's face.

"What's gotten you so distracted?" Jay leans forward from behind Jake, looking at his friend in concern. Sunghoon shook the thoughts from his mind, fully going back to his senses.

"Where's Ji?" Ryuza suddenly said, poking her head out from behind Jay's shoulder.

"Right here."

The familiar soft and calming voice muttered from next to Sunghoon, making his head snap up to look at the girl. She was alone. Heeseung wasn't with her..or so he thought.

"Hey Ji-" A male voice suddenly erupted from behind her. Sunghoon's lips curved into a frown as he looked away from the two of them.

A sigh escaped from Sunghoon's lips as he watched the kid behind her step forward. Why does he feel defeated?


𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐞 𝐒𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐲 ☇ Park Sunghoon Where stories live. Discover now