My World

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As I saw Danni walk out her front door in her white short shorts that show off her nice tan legs, and her black and white tank top that hugs her curves and makes her boobs look even bigger, her crystal blue eyes widened with happiness when she saw me. Seeing the happiness on her face brought me to smile at her. When she smiled back at me, she started running at  me, and the next thing I know she tackles me into her car. We landed in the drivers seat, with her on top of me, and my arms around her waist. I didn't want to let her ago, it felt like she belonged there in my arms.


I tried to get out of Blakes grip but he was to strong for me. Has he been working out? I wonder what is underneath his shirt? Gosh darnit Danni stop thinking about your bestfriends body!I wonder if he has 8 pack now?!

Hope yall like it leave a comment and tell me if you like or not! Also tell your friends! Pretty Pretty Please with a cherry on top! You can whipped cream, nuts, or chocolate syrup on it if you want to! LOL Love yall!!:) -BabyGirlXOXO

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