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Middle school ~

Iwaizumi Hajime always excelled in maths and sciences. But his grades in literature and history were never quite great, falling below his average As and Bs.

His parents were confused as to how their son, who was so smart and did fantastic in volleyball, couldn't get good grades in those subjects. He was always a studious child and turned in his assignments.

They figured with his calm personality and sharp focus, it couldn't have been ADHD or ADD. But Oikawa Tooru, the one person who could read his friend (and crush at the time) like an open book, saw something as he and Iwaizumi were studying.

He noticed Iwaizumi repeatedly rubbing his eyes, as if to refocus them, as he read their history assignment they decided to help each other on.

"Iwa-chan, you okay?"

Iwaizumi flushed, looking away.

"I'm fine," his green eyes avoided eye contact with the other's brown pair.

"No, you're not," Oikawa knew something was up. "Headache? Lighting not right?"

Iwaizumi sighed, "No, it's nothing. I'm good. Let's get this assignment done."

Oikawa wasn't taking it.

"Iwa-chan ~," he contested.

"Dude, seriously," he went back to reading. Or at least attempting to read. Oikawa was now concerned.

"Iwaizumi," the boy in question flinched at his name. "Tell me now, or I'll get boba tea without you tomorrow."

Oikawa finally got eye contact.

Bingo. Sometimes, you gotta hit 'em where it hurts.

Iwaizumi groaned at this, rolling his eyes and laying his head back to look at the ceiling.

"It's embarrassing..."

"Iwa-chan, I've known you since we could walk. I'm fairly sure shitting in diapers as a baby is more embarrassing," Oikawa giggled.

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes yet again.

"It's hard to read."

"Like you need glasses? Cause I know you know how to read."

"No, it's-", he began. "I don't know, it's hard to explain."

The spikey haired boy turned back to the history book.

"Like, the words get all jumbled up together, and I'll even see an entirely different word from what is actually there," he sounded frustrated. "But I'll re-read it, and the word is different from what I swear I saw. Others looked misspelled where it makes zero sense."

Oikawa tilted his head in surprise. Iwa-chan was having a tough time reading? But his grades were always better than his, and he was quite smart.

"But your grades?"

"Kawa," the brunette slightly blushed at this nickname, attempted to hide behind his copy of their history book.

Not the time, heart, he thought to himself.

"I have a C in literature and history," Iwaizumi grumbled, barely loud enough for Oikawa to understand.

Iwaizumi finally looked back to Oikawa after attempting to read the book once more, faced with a blank expression blinking at a rapid pace.

Oikawa stood up from his spot on his bed. "Wait here." And just like that, he left the room, Iwaizumi in a confused silence. Familiar? The hell was he on about? After a few minutes, Kawa finally returned, kicking the door closed behind him. With him, he brought some Otter Pops for the two of them, signaling a break to cool down the frustrated boy.

"Mom said it's dyslexia," he cut open two of the popsicles, handing Iwa's favorite green one, as he held onto a yellow.


Oikawa nodded, reclaiming his spot where he was sitting on the bed, homework splayed beside him.

"It's exactly what you described."

So, I'm not dumb, was Iwa's only takeaway.

"Ith athually prethy common I think," he spoke with a piece of the flavored ice in his mouth, numbing his tongue, making Iwaizumi snicker a little.

"But, I can read aloud to you if you want, and even make flashcards. My handwriting should be big enough for you to see clearly."

Iwaizumi was happy that his best friend immediately went to offer help rather than make fun of him. He always thought he just didn't know how to read and didn't feel like the smart student everyone thought him to be. In fact, he was embarrassed of it up until now.


Iwaizumi took up his offer as he was about to begin biting down on the popsicle.

"Just please write legible enough instead of your usual shitty handwriting."

"You got it, boss," and the brunette went to making flashcards, later reading aloud parts of the history book.

"Well, you don't need glasses," the optometrist had just finished the vision test, taking off his reading glasses, letting them hang at the front of his typical medical blazer that was white, matching his hair almost perfectly, only his hair had a more pepper look.

"Then why is it that he can't read?" His mom asked, confused.

"It's safe to say he has dyslexia," he explained. "Essentially, everything he explained was dyslexia to a T. He jumbles up words he's reading into either misspelled versions or he reads a totally different word."

"Anything to help?" His mom asked. "Well, he can always use a magnifying glass or reading glasses," the old man wrote notes for medical records, "but that would be for reading up close when you need to."

"Actually, Mom," the young boy got his mom's attention.

"'Kawa has already started helping me with our homework since we have the same class together. And if he can't help me for some reason, I'll just use reading glasses."

"It sounds like it's settled," the optometrist pulled a piece of paper, writing the prescription for Iwaizumi's reading glasses. "Just be sure his instructors know. Here's a note."

The mother nodded, relieved, as they exited the optometrist's office.

Oikawa saw Iwaizumi put on his reading glasses in their class as he did the literature assignment, and he had to do a double take. He always thought Iwa-chan was cute, but this made him want to squish his cheeks.


And that's how Oikawa's handwriting was amazing by high school. Mattsun and Makki teased him about his "girly" handwriting one time until Iwa told them off and why he had such good, legible handwriting.

Iwaizumi still needs his reading glasses through high school, but he sometimes fakes they're broken for an excuse to be with Oikawa.

Iwaizumi still needs his reading glasses through high school, but he sometimes fakes they're broken for an excuse to be with Oikawa

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