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"Don't worry, Black, I already have your cousin for that."

-James' Pov-

The second I heard Del's name a rush of patchy memories flooded my head and I instantly groaned from the embarrassment, how the hell did I go from being jealous of Lily to kissing Del? Lucius' sister for crying out loud, the girl who was raised by Death Eaters and Blood-Prejudices', Merlin, the girl as probably one of them herself yet I let my idiotic, intoxicated self kiss her.

These were the things I've been telling myself over and over to try and knock myself back into reality but once I saw her plate empty, again, all those stupid and absurd thoughts left my mind as new ones entered.

I waited for a while trying to be patient and wait for her to finally begin to place food onto her plate but the moment never came, instead she tried to leave the Great Hall.

Fuck. No.

As she placed her broken down leather messenger bag over her shoulder and began to sit up I quickly yet sneakily snaked my arm out and grabbed her wrist from across the table shooting her right back down onto the bench.

Her eyes shot up to my covered ones and she looked at me confused, with my left hand still attached to her wrist I did a quick double check to make sure no one was watching before I used my free one to pile food onto her plate, I placed two fried Sunnyside up eggs, two thin logs of sausage, a triangle slice of toast, and a small scoop of beans in front of her, the perfect British breakfast.

"Eat." I whispered in a demanding tone making sure she knew that it wasn't up for negation, but of course her being her annoying and childish self she pushed the plate towards me and shook her head like a toddler as she mouthed 'No'.

I rolled my eyes not feeling like dealing with her games and shoved the plate back towards her as I mouthed 'Yes'.

Her annoyed demeanor only deepened as she huffed, quickly shot up from the table, and walked straight out of the Great Hall.

I ticked my tongue on the roof of my mouth as annoyance of my own began to bubble beneath my skin, I thought about following her but before I even had the chance to consider the idea she had walked back into the Great hall and sat back into her original seat again with a metal coffee mug.

"A bit dramatic don't you think?" I snarked, referring to her over exaggerated exit.

"Oh please, Potter, out of the both of us I am the least dramatic." She replied with attitude as she took a deep inhale and began to take small bites from her plate, after each swallow she would bring the mug to her lips acting as if it had been some sort of chaser.

Looking at her flabbergasted, I almost laughed at the lies that were coming out of her mouth. I was probably the least dramatic in all of Gryffindor if not all of Hogwarts, "Have you lost the plot, Malfoy? I am most definitely not dramatic."

"Really? So what was it that you were telling your mates last night? That I had saved your life wasn't it? Now you look me in the eyes and tell me that that's not dramatic." She said while she moved her plate slightly so she could rest her chin on the palm of her hand as she stared at me with a sickly sweet smile and raised eyebrow waiting for a response.

My face immediately scrunched up with cringe and it was only until then did I realize that all three, Remus, Peter, and Sirius had been completely engrossed in the conversation that the blonde and I had been having based on the silent laughs I heard coming from the lot.

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