Tutoring Days, Again. | 009

82 6 11

End of the match set count: 2-0

"Winner: Karasuno High School!"

With a small smile, the male manager handed the Karasuno's players water bottles, congratulating them in their first win.

"Good job," he said when he handed the libero his bottle. "Thanks." Noya replied, eyes shining with determination. He was itching to play another game.


Carrying a duffle bag on his shoulder, Ayumu's eyes covered his face as he walked and followed the team around the arena. Behind his bangs, eyes sharply watched the determined ace and observant libero.

His smile was long gone. He clutched the towel in his hand tighter at the suffocating feeling he felt.

'No,' he thought, forcing his hands to relax. Ayumu sighed, turning away from the scene and walked ahead of the team. 'I shouldn't feel like this.'


"Rolling thunder!! Again!" Noya shouted, grabbing everyone's attention. The manager watched the tiny libero cheer up his teammates and bring the team's spirit back up.

"I will protect your backs!" A proud smile bloomed in his face.

'He's a little cool.' he thought, no longer feeling sick. Ayumu wasn't a volleyball fan, but ever since he joined as a team manager, he learned to appreciate the game more. He witnessed the team's hard work and strong bond. The heaviness in his heart was still there. But he genuinely cheered for everyone in the team.

Ennoshita glanced at the person beside him, the second-year male manager, and probably the most popular boy in school, Ayumu. They haven't talked properly outside the club activities, merely greeting eachother in the hallways. Ennoshita was intimidated by the other boy, who was mostly described as weird and cold by his male peers.

The dark-haired volleyball player gaped slightly at the sight of the smiling manager. 'Pretty,' the word echoed un his mind as the surrounding's sounds were suddenly muted. He noticed the shining pale green eyes staring lovingly at someone. Ennoshita followed his eyes and let out another gasp.

'Noya-san?' he questioned, a little confused. Ennoshita looked behind the libero but so no one. He watched as their manager ruffled the libero's hair as Noya was subbed out. 'Huh?'

The game continued.

Like many others in the audience, Ayumu's eyes widen and his mouth opened as he watched Noya save the ball by using his foot. His heart pounded at the incredible sight. He opened his mouth and scremed along with the others. "One more time!" A few minutes later, the game ended.

Set count: 2-0

"Winner: Karasuno High School!"

With a small smile on his face, Ayumu watched the team beside Kiyoko. He felt an intense stare at the back of his head. The male manager turned his head back and caught a pair of brown eyes staring at him. He nodded towards the setter and mouthed a few words that made the Seijoh captain smile. Ayumu returned his focus to his team as he was called. Oikawa watched him before shifting his eyes towards the opposite side of the court.

"Remember the deal, but don't get hurt, Tooru."

'I'm a little sad that we've always been enemies, Ayumu, but I'm glad you remembered.'



Ayumu nodded towards his two friends on the other side of the court in greeting. Iwaizumi nodded and Oikawa waved with a small sad smile on his handsome face. Like the previous years, he was on the opposite team's sidelines. Despite their rocky start, Ayumu respected Oikawa as a setter, captain and friend. He wondered if there was going to be a time where he can cherr for the other two freely without someone angering his team. 'Someday,' he thought, shifting his focus on his ducklings."Nice receive!" he shouted, along with Sugawara as Noya kept Oikawa's serve in play. Knoeing the setter, he felt nervous as he noticed the change in Oikawa's demeanor but he put his trust in the libero. However, he still felt something strange was going to happen. He buried the feeling deep in his heart as he focused on the game infront of him. 'Our team's game... it's a little messy.

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