Chapter 12

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I opened my eyes to stare at the blurry wooden ceiling.
How many times am I going to wake up like this? I take a slow breath in and then jolt up. I winced and grabbed at my waist before pushing myself off of the bed, pulling out the wires that were attached to my arms, rushing out of the infirmity room and down the hallway as fast as my legs could carry me.
I shoved passed Marco and a few others, ignoring their concern calls as I stumbled up the stairs to the deck. "Clarity?" Everyone's voice seemed to bounce around as I rushed to the front side of the Moby Dick and pushed myself as far as I could lean over the railing without tumbling into the ocean below. There in front of us, once sitting on the cliff side proudly, was the manor that was completely reduced to nothing but rubble and ashes. Black smoke slowly billowing out of the shell. childhood home... remaining memories...
It hurts...
Make it stop!!
Everything hurts!
Make it stop!
A heartbreaking scream tore from my throat as tears began to stream down my face and I reached out helplessly towards the manor as if I could simply will the damage away. A pair of strong and warm arms wrapped around my body, pulling me back onto the ship and then slowly lowered me to the deck, holding me close as I screamed out all the pain trapped within my heart.

I glanced up as Thatch walked over with a small cup of water and bent down to my level. "Here." I blinked a few times, any remaining tears slowly slipping down my face. "You need to drink something." His voice was soft against my pounding headache. The arm wrapped around my body reached out and took the cup from Thatch before carefully placing it against my dry lips.
I swallowed weakly, the cold water soothing my parched throat. "Thank you." I whispered hoarsely when the glass was pulled away from my lips. "Are you okay?" The chest I was leaning against made a deep vibration as they spoke and I took in a slow breath. How am I supposed to answer that question? "I just want to sleep." I muttered out to the best of my ability, closing my eyes.

"Good morning, Miss Crane." I giggled loudly, "Good morning Apple!" Before me stood my favorite nanny with my breakfast tray sitting in her hands, awaiting for me to meet her at the table. I rushed over, climbing up into my chair, "I'm so hungry!" "How's my baby girl?" I giggle again as my father walked in, tying his tie, and then patted my head. "Are you going to stay for breakfast?" I asked as I watched him walk over to the fridge. "I can't today. Mommy and Daddy have a very important meeting this morning." He pulled out an orange and turned around to pull my mother into a sweet kiss. She smiled warmly after they parted from each other, "Don't forgot to recount the safe." She patted his shoulder, looking much nicer than the painting in the living room made her look. "I won't Dear." He rolled his eyes playfully before stepping over to me, bending down to my level "I left a surprise in your little safe." He winked at me. I grinned widely after stuffing my face with my syrupy pancakes, "Weallly???" "Yes, really." He laughed as Apple handed me a napkin, reminding me to not speak with my mouth full of food as it was very rude.

~few years later~
"Mom?" I walked down the stairs as it was late and I heard some strange noises. I thought maybe it was just the trees outside the manor banging against the windows and decided to tell Mom to remind the gardener to trim back the branches. Silence was the only reply as I walked down the stairs and rounded the corner, "Momma? Papa?" I tilted my head slightly as there was some kind of liquid pooling up on the floor. I walked over to the counter to grab a rag as our maids had already gone home for the day. "Mom didn't tell me there was a wine party." I wetted the rag in the sink before turning and making my way back over the mess on the white tile floor. "Ugh, it's going to stain ." I mutter as I lower myself to my knees and begin to wipe up the mess. I sniff a bit, "Why does the wine smell rusty?" I pull the rag up to my nose and sniff again. "Weird." I glance at the puddle. It was awfully large. "Bottle must be around here somewhere." I look up and freeze in my tracks as the blood in my veins runs cold.
I close my eyes and take in a shaky breath, "You're seeing things." I slowly open my eyes to see the exact scene again.
Mother and Father were laying next to each other, hand in hand, with large gaping holes in their chests and stomachs. The wine colored liquid pooled underneath them and was slowly draining away into a new puddle. The white wall had large splatters as if someone had taken a paint brush and shook it violently against the wall. The scariest part was the lifeless eyes that bore holes straight through me. I jumped backwards and knocked over one of mom's priceless vase; it shattered against the floor and that's when the scream erupted from my lips. "MOMMA!! PAPA!"
I backed away as far as I could into the corner of the room and covered my eyes. It couldn't be true! This was a nightmare! It had to be! I took a few ragged breaths before carefully peeking through my fingers to see that the bodies were still laying there. I closed my eyes again. "I want to wake up!" I smacked the sides of my temples "I don't want to be in this nightmare anymore!!" I whimpered out as I looked again and nothing had changed.

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