Chapter 17 - End

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It was almost an entire month before we made it to a large waterfall wall. I walked over to the front of the Moby and glance over to the lead ships that belonged to Zu and his fleet. I swallow of the lump forming in my throat and jump just slightly as a warm hand wraps around my shoulder, tugging me close.
"It'll be alright Clarity."
I look up at Ace and give him a small smile, "I didn't realize that I would be so nervous." I bite at my lower lip and then move my hand to nip at my fingertip, "It's hard to believe that my father was able to built a safe place for me."
"Ma'am, if I may." Zu speaks softly as he moves close to our ship to speak with me. "I believe it would benefit you to go first." He had bowed lightly, waiting for my response. I glance back to Ace and then to the rest of the family behind me before turning back to the water wall, "Do we just sail forward?"
Zu gave a very gentle smile, "Yes, as soon as you get closer the water will part for you."
"Okay then." I shrugged slightly and the Moby started forward. The water was quite loud as we approached it. I wasn't sure that it was going to part. The Moby's head poked through and was soaked with the fresh water but as Moby continued forward slowly, the water began to part as of someone was standing at the top and just pulling the water to the side to allow an opening big enough for the ships to go through.
The Moby crept through the rocky cave system that was glowing with blue bioluminescent creatures that lived on the ceiling of the cave.
"Momma look!" Dew giggled as she pointed down at the water that reflected the glow from above, "The water's glowing!" Ace walked over to her and bent down to her side, "Look up." He pointed up at the ceiling. She follows his instructions and then gasps loudly, "WOW! GRANDPA LOOK!" She jumped up and down as she pointed at the ceiling. Pops' guttural laugh began echoing throughout the cave, "I see it." Eli ran over with one of the little worms, "I caught one!" He shoved it in his sister's face and she squealed, rushing quickly behind her father. Ace laughed and then steadied Eli and then carefully moved Dew closer, "It's alright Sweetheart, these little worms are completely harmless." Ace gently put his palm in front of the worm, which slowly began to crawl onto his hand, leaving a trail of blue behind him from Eli's hands to Ace's. Dew leaned slightly closer to look now that her father was holding the tiny creature. "It's so pretty."
I watched them interact with the tiny creature. It was an adorable sight to watch the love of my life interact so lovingly with our children. I could feel the anxiety in my chest slowly subside and my tense body began relaxing. Marco walked over and gave me a nudge, "Look." He nodded his head behind us. I turn back to the front of the Moby to see a light at the end of the tunnel, "I guess we're almost there." The tightness in my chest returned and I gripped at the hem of my shirt, letting out a shaky breath.
"Are you going to be alright?" Marco kept his voice low. I wasn't sure how to respond to his question, just giving him and uneasy look. He placed his hand on my shoulder, "You can tell me what's on your mind."
I glance back in Ace's direction and then rubbed my eyes, "What am I going to do? This lifestyle isn't for children." I rested my arms over my chest and Marco seemed to make a face of acknowledgment.
"But how do I explain that to the kids? Taking them from the life they have ever known upon the Moby, taking them from the family they have ever known..."
Marco just gently pulls me into a side hug, "Why don't we see how this place looks and stay a few days so you can think about this?"
I just nod in response.
The light before us begins to get brighter as we float closer.
I shield my sensitive eyes as the Moby breaks through the darkness and out into the light.
Once my eyes adjusted, I pulled my hands back to see. I gasped.
The cave turned into a large river that cut through a beautiful jungle with trees that seemed to touch the heavens. The ground was littered with ever flower imaginable.
"Mom look! Buttercups!" Eli called out as he leaned over the railing, pointing at the little yellow flowers. "Roses too!" Dew smiles as she copies her brother leaning. "Okay you two," Ace picks them both up, "Let's stay on the ship."

Within 20 minutes of floating down the river, it carried us to a docking station sitting in front of a village. The Moby slowed to a stop at one of the docks and Marco jumped down to tie the ship as the anchor was lowered. Zu ship pulled up next to the Moby and he smiled again, "Miss Clarity and Family, welcome to Chīsana senshi."
I looked out at the village, the name made me smile. Father had always called me his little warrior. Everyone tied up their ships and we all stood upon the edge of the village. "If you will follow me." Zu folded his arms and began his way forward.
Dew grabbed my hand as she glanced around, feeling nervous. I smile down at her and gently pat the top of her head before starting after Zu.
Walking through the village was interesting to see how people lived their lives.
"They seemed peaceful."
"That we are Ma'am, we don't carry money here. We barter everything. Everyone works together. Children are raised by the village." Zu starts to explain as he gestures to the villagers as they move about their day. "We make our own clothes, we build our own houses. We need no help from the outside world and to them, we don't exist. Chīsana senshi does not appear on any maps. Your father wanted to keep it that way. He grew up in the harsh, war driven world and made it his mission to build a place where children could grow up without violence shaping their minds."
I thought about his words. Honestly, this would be a good place to raise children.
"Momma, what is this place?"
"This is the village that was built by my father. He made it as a home for us." I explain.
"A home for us?" Dew questions, "But our home is on the Moby." She stops in her tracks, "We aren't leaving the Moby, are we??"
I turn to face her.
Looks like I was going to be forced into facing my thoughts before I could even begin to line them up for myself.
"Dewdrop, it's a little more complicated than that."
"No it's not." She stared at me with a fury I have never seen before. "We can't leave the Moby, that's our home!"
"Yes, I know the Moby is our home and it always will be..."
"But, a pirate's life is not for young children. It's constantly surrounded by danger and violence."
"But what could be safer than the Moby with Grandpa?" Tears began to well up in her eyes. "And what about Daddy?? He's a pirate! Are you just going to leave him!"
"No, of course not, Sweetheart." I take a step in her direction to try and comfort her but she takes a step back from me.
"I don't want to stay here!" She begins shouting, "I want to stay with Daddy and Grandpa!" "Dewdrop, nothing is set in stone yet. We just got here." I try to fix the rift that was beginning to form between us.
"You sound like you already made up your mind." Eli mutters as he steps over to his sister. He just looked disappointed in me.
"I haven't decided anything." I reply.
"Why would you take us from home and keep us in the strange place!" Dew wipes her eyes frantically, trying hard to fight back the sobs so she could speak. "Well it seems safer here than out on the sea where some pirates think it's a good idea to challenge Grandpa. Or think it would be funny to kidnap you if you were ever out on an island somewhere unsupervised." I kneel down to the ground.
"I don't want to lose you two. And sure, Grandpa is one of the best pirates, but having you two on board is dangerous because someone could get seriously injured or even killed trying to keep you out of harm's way."
They both seemed to look at me a little confused.
"Just because people are super strong does not mean they are invincible. We do not live forever." I sigh softly. I wasn't sure what else to say about this situation. I felt like I was playing the bad guy. Ace squats down in front of the kids and nods, "Your mother is right. Aboard the Moby is safe but sometimes things happen out of our control and we don't want either of you getting hurt. Why don't we stay here for a few days and see how everyone settles in? You never know, you might end up liking the village more." He gives a slight shrug but a happy grin.
"Nothing is set in stone?" Dew asks as she wipes her nose with her shirt. "Nothing is set in stone." I repeat, "Promise."
She seems to relax a bit and then Eli points over at a tree with a monkey in it, "Look at that!" He tugs his sister over to it followed by their uncles.
I let out a frustrated sigh and Ace helps me to my feet.
"Thank you."
"I understand where you're coming from. We didn't exactly have the easiest childhood either." He speaks as the group separates into smaller groups to check out the entire village.
"It's just a hard decision to make. All they have ever known is the Moby and now I'm ripping it all away." I rub my temples, "And I would never ask a free soul such as yourself to stay bound to an island."
"Why don't we make a deal with the kids to stay here until they are old enough to join the Moby again?" Ace places his hands behind his head, "It'll be difficult at first but here they can properly train themselves for life at sea and you won't have to fear for their lives anytime crossing with other pirates or navy." "It does sound like a good idea." I pipe up.
"Well that's what Luffy, Sabo, and I did as children. We trained in the mountains to get stronger for the sea life ahead of us. And I'm sure Pops would love to stop by to check in on his grandchildren." Ace glances back at Pops, who was speaking with Zu. "We can bring them gifts from all over the world." Ace continued before he turns and stops in front of me, "I know it's also going to be difficult for you. The Moby became your home as you were searching for yourself."
I pull Ace into a hug and bury my face into his chest.
"I just want to give them everything I didn't have." His strong arms wrap around me, hugging me close, slowly rocking us back and forth as he rested his chin on my head, "And we will. We will give them everything."

Several days had passed since we arrived on my father's island. Dewdrop and Eli had tried their hardest to remain angry at us for even the thought of leaving the Moby, but with the help of the village and being influence by all the family that surrounded them; they both agreed to stay until they were old enough to set sail.
The Moby was the last ship.
Everyone else had already departed, promising to return with new stories of adventure.
Ace stared up at the Moby as he fiddled with his hat. He kept his feelings hidden behind his happy face as to show the children that this was a good idea but I could see through his little facade. This was tearing him apart more than he was letting on. The children had said their farewells and was currently in the meadow, catching butterflies. I step towards Ace and nudge his shoulder. He looks over at me and smiles warmly. "Are you going to be okay?"
I giggle softly, "This isn't our first time apart."
"I know, just worried, I guess." He looks back down at his hat and I snatch it from him, placing it on his head and adjusting the drawstrings, "I think you'll be alright Partner." I clear my throat of the dumb accent, "On a serious note, we'll be fine here. The island doesn't exist to the outside world. And don't worry, no one will forget you." "I just don't want to end up like my father before me." He mutters softly. I lift his chin up and give him a stern look, "Portages D. Ace, you are nothing like your father. This family will love and cherish you forever." He smiles a bit and gives me a small kiss as Marco yells from the ship, "Come on, Ace, we have to go!"
"Coming!" He hollers back, he turns back to me, "Are you sure you'll be fine?"
I laugh this time, "Yes, now go silly, before you miss your ride!" I push him towards the Moby as the anchor rose from the water and began up the side of the ship. We race along the dock and Ace leaps for the anchor, catching a ride on it no problem.
The children rush over to join me as the Moby slowly makes it's way down the river. Waving and shouting more goodbyes as the crew does the same from the back of the ship.
"Clarity!" Ace hollers.
I turn back to face the ship "What?"
"Marry me!"
I was absolutely floored by his words.

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