Chapter 5: What Happened to Tayato

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"Hurry up Tayato... We're going to be late." I yelled at my slow poke best friend who was walking leisurely. 

"What do you mean hurry up? It's not even time yet!" She shot back.

"I don't care if it's time or not, I want hot chips!!" I said getting frustrated.

"Fine, fine, I'm coming" she said with a sigh.

We ran to the lunch line and got our hot chips. As we sat down, I gave her a pointed look and asked, "Wasn't that worth it?" She looked at me, nodded her head and began to devour her chips as she started talking about money. Once this happened, I zoned out just like usual. 

Tayato Shakimoto has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. We went to kindergarten together and then to grade school together. We were in the same middle school and now we are in the same high school. Tayato and I will be graduating at the end of this year. 

"So Jessica, what do you think?" She asked loudly snapping me out of my zoned out state. 

"What?!" I asked confusedly.

"You never listen to me Jessica, Never!" She exclaimed exasperatedly.

"I never listen to you because you always talk about money Tayato, ALWAYS!" I said back. 

"How many times do I have to tell you that we must have money for without it, we cannot accomplish any of our desires." Tayato said for the millionth time. To be quite honest, I was getting tired of hearing that dumb Demosthenes quote. 

"Okay... If you say so." I replied.

The school year passed with the same routine over and over. Tayato talking about money at whatever opportunity she could get and me zoning out whenever she did. Finally, graduation arrived. 

"Tayato... The day we have been waiting for for almost twelve years is here! The day that school ends." I proclaimed happily.

"Oh goodness Jessica, stop being so dramatic." She said with a giggle as she rolled her eyes at me. "By the way, I've been meaning to ask you what your senior quote is." She prompted. 

"High School Musical lied!" I said bursting out in laughter. After my laugh was done. I asked her "What about yours?"

"The one about money by Demosthenes." She said. 

I looked at Tayato and began laughing again. 

"Why are you laughing so hard Jessica?" She asked giving me a funny look.

"Tayato, you really REAALLY love money do you know that?" I asked.

"What's your point?" She shot back.

"Some days I think that once we graduate, you will begin plotting to rob the world bank." I said jokingly. All Tayato did was look at me intensely and say:

"You know what Jessica, maybe I will."

That day, all I did was laugh and have fun but after graduation, I never saw her again. After a couple of years, I got used to not having my best friend around. Every now and then, I wondered what had happened to my best friend Tayato Shakimoto. One day, I turned on my television to watch a movie and there was breaking news plastered all over the screen and it was all shouting one thing:


And I never wondered again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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