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We were both startled and confused about what was happening.

"What are you both doing here?" I asked them.

"First of all, I thought i was the only one who has a spare key to your house?" Jinsoul said, her face was shocked and annoyed seeing the sight of Jun with the keys of my house.

"That's what you thought." Jun smugly said.

"And also why is Jiwoo here?"

"She made me come over last night we just talked about stuff." Chuu replied getting out of the situation.

"Lippie, darling. You got some explaining to do." Jinsoul said, her face expression felt like i betrayed her. Oh god. It's not that serious right?

I just sat down on my bed, patting the space on my sides signaling one of them to seat near me. They both just stood up, Jinsoul crossing her arms while Jun just raised one of his eyebrows. Is he that serious about this mission?


"Why are y'all so serious about it tho? It's just because both of you are my best friends." I said nonchalantly earning a nudge from Jiwoo.

I looked at her she just showed how big her eyes can be. It must be something? She's signaling me something?

"C'mon, darling just tell us." Jinsoul snapped her fingers on me calling me "darling" again.

"It's true, i told you already not even a minute ago. You both are my best friends!" I said my voice raising a little bit high.

"But! A person who's your bestfriend can still court you right?" Jun asked, smirking. Hao should take this man right now.

"Of course! Am i correct Kim Lip?" Jiwoo answered, without hesitating my head completely nods.

"What? No. She's mine already no one has a chance anymore alright?"

"Stop planning stuff you can't comply, and don't take what's not yours." Jun replied to Jinsoul, that's true. Stop making me think we're gonna be something more Jinsoul.

"Tsk. Anyways I brought you breakfast, It's only for two people though." Jinsoul said rolling her eyes.

"What about me?" Jiwoo asked.

"I brought a lot of food don't worry!" Jun answered smiling cheekily. He really likes this mission that much?

Jiwoo was happy that there were enough food for everyone. Well, I'm happy as well! I told them to go downstairs while i talk alone with Jun.

"Wen Junhui, can we talk for like a minute?" I asked him, he nodded. Of course Jinsoul would eavesdrop, good thing Jiwoo is here to drag her away from the door. Sorry soulie.

I talked to him about the so called "mission". I didn't think he would be this serious, He has a boyfriend already.

"Jun we should really stop this "mission" It's working but she's just bluffing at this point." I explained to him. I'm right, aren't i?

"But... I know she just you know. secretly likes you?" He was getting nervous for some reason? I don't like this atmosphere.

"That's not true. You can finally call Myungho."

"I can call him later. Anyways, let's eat." Jun said to me tiringly standing up. He's drained all of a sudden?

I have so many questions of what's happening right now.


Yehey an update! (lAST UPDATE BEFORE EXAMS ILL BE DYING) ive been so slow in updating im really sorry about that. We'll have periodic exams starting on monday, but! we have a 2 week sem/acad break after the week of exams. also i noticed the typo i made on the last chap AFAHVFGHA IM SORRY IT WASNT SUPPOSE TO BE LIKE THAT

AnYWAYS HOW ARE Y'ALL?? HOPE YALL ARE HAVING A GREAT DAY/NIGHT AND STAY HYDRATED!! DONT FORGET TO EAT!! and try to keep a good smile! Thank you for reading!! ^+^

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