Too much trouble

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We are outside of the building, doing rounds and turns for our destination.

This time Paolo and I are talking about our work and partnerships with the company while walking.

<<If we make this contract with the next company, the value of our market will increase 20% of revenue, if we play the cards correctly>>

<<Or we can make 50% of the revenue if we split the market...>>

And our discussion keeps going.

He's a hard-working alpha and thanks to his dedication he's the manager of our department.

Sometimes he helps me when I have difficulty at work. He's a real friend, I always feel guilty about it because I double his work.

But he said that is not a problem at all.
He's a special guy, I am very lucky to have him as a friend.

Sometimes I feel like a burden to him.
But he always reminds me he'll always be there for me.


"This is depressing..."

<<Don, 't be sad [Y/N]. We are almost there.>>trying to cheer me up a little.

Putting my sad tough aside, I eyed the time of my watch, we are walking for 5 minutes.

I didn't know it was that far.

Passing busy Streets of our city, it was a little bit chaotic

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Passing busy Streets of our city, it was a little bit chaotic.

Cars honking to itch others.

The frizzling sound of fried food.

People walking

dogs barking

I don't know why but I feel that something bad is going to happen.

Maybe I am thinking too much.

We are finally in front of the cafe shop.

We are finally in front of the cafe shop

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To my surprise

It was a cute Italian coffee shop.

Knowing Paolo he will be happy eating the dish that we are going to order.

Like last time at an Italian restaurant.

{ Flashback }

A few months ago I went to a hotel with Paolo, for one of our business trips. For pure coincidence, there was an Italian restaurant nearby.
It was a humble rustic family restaurant.
It gives a wave of nostalgia to Paolo and for me a homey atmosphere.

It went well first, but when we ordered, lasagne he took a bite.

I move my eyes from my order to observe him while eating my divine dish.

His pupils dilated and made a soft moan for the delicacy he got in his mouth.

I chuckled at his antics.

We pass a few of our business work eating there.

It made our work less stressful.

Paolo went home happy, knowing the existence of the restaurant.

And for me a nice and calm experience with my best friend.

{End Flashback}

Sensing a dense amount of alpha pheromones in the air disturbs me, his pheromones are so strong that a beta-like me can sense it.

I can't see his eye because his hair is covering them.

"What's going on!!!!"

I never saw him like this for a coffee shop.

Plus he's attracting everyone's attention.

Some parents are protecting their children from an incoming attack.

<<Paolo!!>> he doesn't respond


he stopped and proceed to enter the establishment as nothing happened, I still can't see his eyes.

People who witnessed the accident are distancing from us, especially from Paolo.

Everyone is shocked and scared, it's good that they didn't call the police or Rose is going to kill us.

I follow him so he doesn't cause any problems. I am very worried about him. I rarely see him like this.

I lost my appetite.

<<Are you ok?>> I whisper, he ignores me, I sight and sit at a table for two, he looks stressed, he releases a little bit of phenomenon. I know it because people around us are uncomfortable.

<<Please Paolo, stop it you are getting us in trouble we are supposed to eat not to cause trouble.>>I plead.

Watching me desperately stop his actions, he stopped reluctantly.

Now I hear people murmuring behind our backs.

<<I ... I don't want to eat anymore, please let's go...>> feeling the gaze of many people around us make me uncomfortable but he seems unfazed by it.

<<I am sorry [Y/N] but the odor outside was unpleasantly familiar and the inside is more prominent.
I don't like IT>>

"O no..."

[Third POV]

<<Today is boring ~~♡>>the person complain for the 100th time this day.

Seeing the ruckus outside it peak his interest.

He hummus in content

<<O my, it seems we have reckless alpha today with a cuty~~♡>>

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