A date? YES!!

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I finish typing the number.


I ..... Accidentally.....


I didn't realize it for a few seconds

But the continuing ring call of the other line gave me enough brain capacity to understand the stupid move I made.

I almost drop my phone for that.

I want to end the call but that would be an asshole move to do, so I wait...

I know that it wasn't even one minute but it feels like an eternity.

" I hope that I didn't disturb him"

"He's not answering..."

"He must be busy"


"Aaaaa....why I am so dumb?"


"If I typed the wrong number?"

[ʷʰᵒ ⁱˢ ᵗʰⁱˢ?]

"This is so stres--"

[Yudiputa(1)!!! Is this a prank or something??]


[Finally, who is this? What do you want?]

<<I'm [Y/N], the guy with an alpha yesterday?>>

[Awww it's you, Honey. Sorry that I yelled at you.]

<<No, no it's not your fault, I should respond sooner.>>

[I tough you forgot about me?]

Hearing that statement I felt his heart hurt a little.

<< Sorry, I wasn't feeling well yesterday.>>

[I was joking Sweetheart.>>
I hear the omega laugh.

It's beautiful it's like a melody to my ears, I want to hear it more often.

Tighten my grip on my phone and take a deep breath.

<<Would you like to go on a date with me?... Nathan?>>

I didn't hear anything after that.
I am getting nervous.






I hear a sigh of relief.

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