Why me

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Finally [Y/N], returned to his normal Self but is still flustered. He keeps thinking of the flirty omega.

He was so distracted that he didn't sense a figure approaching him from behind. Like a predator, the figure silently waits for the right time to attack.

With a swift move they covered the beta eyes, the poor victim have a "heart attack", he feels a hot breath on his right ear.

<<I heard that you got an Omega... [Y/N]-kun>>the feminine voice made him tremble.

<< Miss Ono?>>the poor beta question in surprise.

The woman uncovers his eyes and giggles in delight, it's a fake laugh but the beta is too dense and confused to know, It's the first time she approaches our protagonist, she wasn't interested to talk to [Y/N] until now.

That means she wants something.

<<A little bird told me that you and Paolo went to the New coffee shop and met an omega>>she said it with a calm, collected, and suiting voice behind those words is pure hatred. Her alpha phenomenons are so strong that they can smell them and submit to the pressure.

[Y/N] now uncomfortable about the situation, doesn't know what to do and not do, just today Paolo was acting strategy now this.
Fortunately, two alpha came to rescue him.

<<I am sorry, to inform you miss Ono that is none of your business.>>Paolo said and releasing his pheromones to stop her, irritating the woman even more.

<<Miss Ono I don't condone this type of behavior in our company and more likely the fiancee of the CEO.>>Mr. Smith the Secretary of our CEO company, is a Serious guy he takes his work seriously.

Now he's between three Alpha, [Y/N] head is spinning for the pheromones and before he knows he blackout.


The three alpha turn their heads towards the source of the sound. The poor beta passes out on his desk, for the stress.

<<[Y/N]!!>>Paolo yells and runs towards him checking his friend if his ok.

<<Miss Ono, we are going to talk about this later in my office, now I am calling the ambulance>>his tone is dead-serious, one of the workers pass out in his watch, this will double his paperwork.

{Time skip}


I groggily open my eyes, my vision is blurry and I see shadows and figures moving around, I hear voices too.

Blinking a couple of times, my eyesight starts to clear, and my hearing ok.

<<Are you ok now buddy?>>it's Paolo with a worried tone. Near my hospital bed.

<<Yea... A little bit...>> I responded with a tiered voice.

<<I am sorry [Y/N], that Paolo made your day terrible.>>Rose said while giving her husband a pinch on his side, he groans.

<<It's fine. Rose, I swear...>>

<<Well the doctor said that you will be fine, a little bit of rest and you will return home and rest more.>> she smiled.

<<O!! I heard from Paolo that an omega gave you his number!! Do you have a date with him? If so, when?? Is he your type?>>Rose questions with excitement, it's been a long time that I've been dating someone.

<< Please, amore(1) you can question him when he recovers.>>Paolo intervenes, Rose blushes for the embarrassment.

I smile, they are so cute.

<<Sorry, to interrupt but Mr [Y/S](2) can go home after an hour.>>the doctor said.

<<Thanks doc, we will accompany you home, buddy.>>Paolo said, and Rose nodded.

<<What about my stuff left from work and my car?>>

<< Don't worry, I already have to take care of it, it's all in your apartment and the car is in your parking spot. It's my fault that I made you stressed today so is the least that I can do.>>

{Time skip}

I am finally at my apartment, I take out my shoes and put them near the door entrance of the apartment, I went straight to the bathroom to take a shower.
Think about the events of today gave me a headache, but the only positive one is meaning Nathan, I still didn't message him.

I went out of the bathroom with only a towel and a second one on my head.


I pick up my phone.

It's a message from Mr. Smith.


Mr. Smith
I am sorry for the trouble we have caused Mr [Y/S], so, please aspect the two tickets for a 2 nights sauna, and tomorrow we give you a free day from work.

Thank you, Mr. Smith, I'll gladly take your offer.


Closing my phone, I plop on my bed with an arm on my forehead.
I am too tired to move and I know I am going to regret it later, but I will sleep like this.


|Amore(1)= Love (in Italian)

|[Y/S](2)= your surname

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