Back to the Future

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"consider it charity."

When she got off the phone with Thor, Amelia was frustrated, it was already nighttime, she exchanged a few words with Tony while she was on the phone, and she was tired, god she was tired. She sat on the balcony, twirling the ring which sat on her finger, she missed him. "Some people move on...but not us." When she heard those words from Steve, she didn't feel guilty for not moving on, she didn't feel bad for not stopping loving Loki.

The Avengers who were left were unbelievably skeptical about Loki and very obviously did not like Her and Loki together, but after hours of explaining they were finally convinced that Loki wasn't as bad as they thought he was, they were convinced mostly after hearing Amelia talk about him with such love and adoration.

She spent her time staring up at the stars, she watched as Frigga's soul took it's place among the stars and that day changed the way she saw the stars, they weren't astronomical spheres of light and plasma anymore to her, and she was kind of glad they weren't, at least they were looking down at her. "You okay?" Amelia jumped hearing Steve's voice.

"How did you-"

"You're always here Mia, doesn't take a genius to find you." Steve laughed, taking a seat beside her, it wasn't that dangerous sitting on the ledge, their feet dangling, the vast sky above, the green grass below slightly glowing with the refection of the moon falling on the droplets of dew sitting on them.

"They're pretty." her eyes back on the twinkling stars scattered across the dark sky, Hearing Steve hum in agreement, the two sat in silence.

The comfortable silence was disrupted by the Captain. "you never answered my question."

"I don't know the answer." She shrugged, still not looking at him, of course she wasn't okay, her emotions all over the place, her anxiety through the roof and the one person who always helped her: gone. "I have no idea what's going on and I feel like I'm going to burst any minute, a panic every time I use my powers to a point I just...stopped, I don't know if I can do this Steve, I don't know I can do this without him."

Steve sighed, his hand found hers, securely holding it, his thumb rubbing her knuckles comfortingly, she felt the weight on her shoulders being slowly lifted, a heavy sigh could be heard from her, sounding like she was under water all this time. "Amelia Artemis." She finally looked at him. "you're Amelia Artemis, the strongest woman I know, you help me, you help everyone but I need you to know you don't have to carry the weight of the world all my yourself, not when I'm here with you." The tears collected in her eyes were now free, she sniffled, laying her head on the super soldier's "see this is why I'm your favorite super soldier." Amelia's arms wrapped around her shoulder.

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