Mission Impossible

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"It's like he wants me to get arrested."

The avengers ran into the mist of chaos. "Malekith!" She hollered in rage. 

"Have you come to witness the end of your universe?" Amelia smirked, nodding at Thor. 

"No, we've come to accept your surrender." Thor threw one of the devices which Malekith caught with ease. Perfect. Amelia tilted her head in satisfaction as arm was teleported from his body, another aimed at his other arm doing the same.

"You think you can stop this? The Aether cannot be destroyed!"

"But you can!" Amelia's brown orbs glowed white, her arms glowing brighter than Thor had ever seen. She yelled as her power took over her body. Sending every strength she had left from being in the midst of the Aether, The dark elf watched her with fear, accepting his fate. The final device impaled his body to his ship. And that was it. They did it.

Amelia was sent back by her own powers, crashing into a pillar with a groan. "Oh holy fuck..." Amelia watched Jane and Thor with wide eyes, acting quickly, she used the last of her strength to put up a shield around the couple. The group waited for an impact but nothing came. "You guys are so stupid and cute at the same time. God!" the cursed at them loudly from her place on the ground. Lying flat, breathing heavily, her hand holding the silver jewelry. "Protection huh?"

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

"Great vacay, I'm headed back to the tower." Amelia smiled at Thor, the two sitting peacefully in a park.

"I'm going to resolve things with father, we did sort of commit treason." Amelia snorted at his words.

"Sort of?" comfortable silence fell between them, Thor looked at Amelia, his gaze fell on her necklace, and she noticed it. "It's doing a pretty good job at protecting me." she commented twirling it around her fingers.

"My brother cared for you Mia." Amelia just shrugged with a little smile on her face, clearly remembering moments she's had with the silver tongue.

"I'm sorry about Frigga, about Loki...I'm...I'm sorry."

"I won't be long Amelia, take care of yourself...I mean it, I've seen the things you do, most of them are plain stupid."

"Hey!" she glared at him "they're mostly Tony's ideas." she admitted with a blush on her face. "I'm gonna miss you man, we had one hell of an adventure." he nodded agreeing with her. Finally taking off to Asgard. "Are you kidding me?" she questioned incredulously looking on the markings left on the ground. "It's like he wants me to get arrested." she mumbled walking away.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:

"How was vacation?" Steve Rogers asked her teasingly, Natasha Romanoff letting out a laugh, they were worried for her at the same time...It was Amelia Artemis.

"it was...interesting?" she plopped down on the couch, reaching for the box of pop tarts, opening it, moaning as she took a bit out of it.

"What's with the necklace?" Amelia smiled to herself at Natasha's question.

"A protection of sorts."

"Asgardian Souvenir."

"Mission: Make Rogers not seem like a lost puppy is a go!" Tony stark, Clint Barton and Bruce Banner walked in with bowls of popcorn in their hands, Amelia cheered, pinching the super soldier's cheek who had turned red with embarrassment. "Today's menu we have...Wrath of Khan!" Amelia's cheers got louder. The movie was only being played because Tony wanted to do something nice for Amelia since she had just come back after almost dying, not like was going to admit that.
Everything went back to normal...as normal as the avenging life brings as Amelia explained the movie to Steve, small pieces of food in the avengers' hair. Mostly normal.

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