Chapter 5

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Hai Hai!! You guys better grab some popcorn and a comfy blanket ;) This chapters extra long!!! 4500 + words of story





"Soooo... may I come with this time amber?"

"hUh...?" Amber's face went blank. Octavia wanted to come with....?

It has been about three months since the run in with the violent group of people at WallyMart and I have went on about 3 trips for supplies since then, making sure to grab as much supplies as possible every time I went to avoid going to often. My small(ish) wound healed fine since then due to Octavia was so keen on making sure I was careful with whatever I do, and cleaned the wound a few times a day.

What startled me now is she asked to come with. I couldn't help but stand by the sink looking tremendously shocked. Last time I checked she was terrified of so called zombies, due to TRAUMA. It was only a month ago when she began realizing they were zombies and began remembering what actually happened with Mrs. Phyllis. That was a hard time for her to get over...

But here she is! Always surprising me, and is now asking for consent to go.

"I- uhh... You want to come?" I ask.

"mhmm, I want to help out! And I've been in this house the whole time so it feels so.... small. You can teach me how to fend myself too... just in case anything.. ya know... happens..."

"Uhmmm... I don't know, 'Tavia... you think you're ready for it?"

"It think so, I won't know until I go and see," she stated matter of factly.

I mean she's right but... what do I do if she gets hurt??? I can't... I can't go through anything like that again.

blinking a few times, I glance at the window looking outside to avoid Octavia's gaze. Making sure to fight back any troublesome flashbacks, I sigh.

"We have about three days of food left, tomorrow we will go but if I sense you can't handle it, or something happens we are turning around and I will go by myself the next day."

"Wait! Oh my gosh! Really!?" Tavia plasters a huge grin across her face, which I adore. I'm glad she actually began to open up to me more these past few months.

"Yes, really but this is your only chance!" I say in a playfully scolding tone, which makes her giggle. I smile.

"Of course of course! Ill show you I'm helpful okay?"

My lips pull into a frown. She keeps bringing up her 'attempting to be useful' as if she isn't, which she is. It makes me worry and I hope she realizes her worth being here soon.

"Okay," the corner of my lips form into a soft grin as I ruffle her hair and she runs off to read.


"Woo!!!" Chloe cheers as the basket ball falls into the basket. She grabbed the ball and let out an exhausted huff from playing basketball for the last two hours. Even though she was tired, she had a huge grin on her face.

I whistled and high fived my little sister with a smile on my face.

"I think I'm gonna be ready for the game tomorrow!"

"Yep! My sisters gonna rock!" I chuckled as we sat down on a bench near the court.

"Really think so?"

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