𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 1: 𝑹𝒖𝒍𝒆 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒓

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Jumping from tree to tree, with a strong wind pushing against him. Kakashi looked down on the ground underneath him, landing in front of his house.


The young Genin had a long day. The better it felt being at home now. There was so much Kakashi wanted to tell his father...
He was a very great student and his performance was above average. Maybe that would lift his father's mood a little...
Listening to the sound of singing birds, Kakashi entered his house with an excited smile under his mask.

"I'm home!", the boy called.
No response.
A sigh escaped his lips. In the silence, the white haired boy entered the room where his father was sitting with an absent expression on his pale face. It caused an unpleasant feeling in his stomach but he didn't want that to ruin his mood. He had good news, after all.
"Father! You won't believe what happened today!"
The boy smiled, even though it could be seen through his eyes only. Sakumo raised his head and forced a smile. Kakashi recognised, how faked it was. It caused his smile to fade.
"Go on, son. What is it?", the man asked with a weak voice.
Sakumo had been sick for a while now. After his last mission, to be exact. Kakashi knew all of it. He knew about this mockery and contempt his father had to face every day. That was the reason why he got sick. Just because of that one damn decision. It broke Kakashi's young heart, seeing his strong and brave father like this. He didn't really recognise him anymore...

Oh, father...

"I uh... I..."
Kakashi tried to catch his thoughts again. What was he about to say?
"My Sensei says that I progress quickly... I'm the best of all Genin!"
There it was again. That cute innocent smile of Kakashi. With a smooth movement, he took his mask off. Sakumo watched him, still with that forced smile.
"Oh, really? I am very, very proud of you, my son.", the man said. Sakumo wanted to say so much more but he just couldn't. He felt broken. And Kakashi knew it too well...
With that being said, the man lowered his head again. He could see Kakashi's disappointment in the corner of his eye. His son pulled the mask up again and turned around.
"Thank you, father...", the boy said quietly and slowly got in his room.

I'm sorry, Kakashi... just don't make the same mistakes I did...

The next sound which could be heard, was Kakashi's door being closed. The boy sat down and thought about his father. He had changed so much after that mission... just because he refused to risk his team's life for it.

That's it. I'll follow all rules strictly from now on...

Kakashi pulled his knees to his chest and hugged them. "I hope you will feel better soon, father...", he whispered. Even Kakashi suffered from his father's decision. Other Genin asked about his father and why he broke the rules. A good ninja follows the rules, they said. The strong white fang of Konoha was now an old animal, living its last days on earth.
Kakashi had never seen his father like this. There was nothing he could do about it. Sometimes he wished that the people who mocked him would pay for it one day. He saved their lives after all.

They weren't worth it...

Sometimes before going to bed, Kakashi imagined how his father would be the same again. How he would pull him into a tight hug and train with him. How he would smile at him... with his usual, warm smile. But then he remembered that it won't be like that ever again.
It will never go back to how it was.
That thought always broke his heart. He spent hours and nights crying bitter tears. Kakashi even prayed for his father to get better again. Nothing ever happened.

Maybe tomorrow...

That's what he always told himself. He kept on believing in his father. Kakashi could never lose faith in him. He was his son after all. But maybe he couldn't do this anymore. Who could help Sakumo? Kakashi certainly couldn't. Nobody probably could. Sakumo had to believe in himself.
A sigh escaped Kakashi's lips as he decided to get ready for bed. Tomorrow would be a long day, especially with the special training his Sensei Minato had prepared for them.
The Genin quickly got under the blanket and closed his eyes, praying one last time for his father.

Yet he didn't know that it was the last time...

After finishing, Kakashi took his mask off and hid his face in a pillow. He hated when his emotions overwhelmed him but he couldn't do anything against those tears which ran down his cheeks. 

Oh father, please get well soon...

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒄𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒇𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒇 𝑲𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒉𝒂Where stories live. Discover now