𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 3: 𝑬𝒏𝒅𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒏

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It was a rainy day in Konoha. The raindrops were falling on the dry earth and the wind was howling in the dark night. The birds were silent and sometimes a flash could be seen, followed by a loud, growling thunder. The streets were empty and the houses full.
Kakashi was in his room, looking out of the window. The young boy was scared but he knew that his father was busy. His father disobeyed the rules for his Team's life... Was it right? Was it wrong? Shinobi should follow the rules no matter what, Kakashi thought.

If he only knew how wrong he was...

A small sigh escaped the boy's lips. Kakashi has always been so proud of his father. But what should he think of him now? Sakumo was a great and respected Shinobi but everything just disappeared after one single decision.

Is that how life really is?

Suddenly a loud sound could be heard from downstairs. Kakashi looked up and got dragged out of his thoughts. What was that? Curiousity grew in him as the boy stepped out of his room, quietly going down the stairs. The hallway was filled with darkness as he tried to see something.
A lightning filled the dark room with light...but his heart with darkness. Kakashi couldn't believe what he had seen in that tiny moment..such a cruel life changing moment...
His breath got faster as his body froze. The dark eyes just stared down at his father's lifeless body.
Every other child would say 'father, wake up', but Kakashi just stood there, silently. His heart was racing but on the outside he seemed calm. His soul was screaming and crying, falling apart just like his heart. But Kakashi just stood there. Not moving, not saying a little word. Nothing.
Suddenly a tiny tear escaped his eye, just like his feelings wanted to. The tear ran down his cheek, falling on his father's one.

Why would you leave me, father...

Kakashi could hear how the door was being opened behind him. But he didn't care. He felt empty. But he couldn't be even care about that...

His life lost its meaning...why should he care....

It was Minato who opened the door. He wanted to let his students know that the special training would take place on another day due to the bad weather. The blonde had already knocked a few times but he got sceptical as nobody answered. He was also worried about Sakumo and his son so he allowed himself to check on them. But even Minato couldn't believe what he saw...
The man just peeked inside, immediately seeing his white haired student. It took him a little to see his father lying right in front of him. Minato's eyes widened in shock as the man quickly got inside to check on Sakumo. His cold fingers touched the soft warm skin of Sakumo's neck in hope to feel his pulse. Nothing. Sakumo Hatake was dead.
Minato froze as well for a second. He couldn't believe that such a great Shinobi had to end up like that... it was such a tragedy. Then he remembered his student and immediately turned around to him. He couldn't imagine how he felt or what he thought but he was sure that he shouldn't see that. The man wrapped his arms around the young Kakashi and pulled him close. The cold expression of his student meant nothing good, he knew him well enough. The blonde picked him up and left the house.

It was still raining as Minato set the young boy down, crouching in front of him. He thought about any way to comfort him which wasn't easy since Kakashi wasn't a fan of any kind of body contact and such. A lightning appeared which gave Minato the opportunity to look at Kakashi once again. Emptiness, sadness... that's all he could see. Tears running down his cheeks, to his mask... it broke Minato's heart. Finally he managed to say something.
"Hey, it's okay...", he said softly as the cold water drenched his clothes. But who was he lying to, both of them knew that nothing was good.
Kakashi's lip trembled badly, it could even be seen through his mask which was actually supposed to hide his facial expressions. Of course Minato didn't judge him. Kakashi spent most of the time behaving too much like an adult. But even adults showed feelings and so should Kakashi.
"I'm really-"
Minato wanted to say how sorry he was. That Sakumo's death was horrible and how much he wished he could've helped him. But in that moment Kakashi wrapped his arms around his Sensei, burying his face in his chest. His arms were shaking just like the rest of his small body. A sigh escaped Minato's lips as he held him close, closing his blue eyes. Finally Kakashi understood... he showed feelings.

"I'm so sorry, Kashi...", the man whispered and ran with his hand through the boy's white silky hair. Quiet sobs hushed over Kakashi's lips while Minato rubbed his back.
"You're not alone. I'm there for you and I always will be."
Actually Kakashi wanted to say something but his throat felt like it was constricted. No word could be said. The boy just nodded as he tightened his grip on his Sensei to feel his presence. To feel that someone was still there even after his father left. "You're staying with me. Let's get home or else we'll get sick." The child's dark eyes met his bright ones and Minato couldn't tell but it felt like he saw some glimmer of hope in Kakashi's eyes. It hurt but felt relieving at the same time. The white haired nodded before letting go of Minato who prepared a shadow clone to take care of Sakumo's body. With that being done, the man picked the boy up, holding him close.
"Let's go home.", he said and ruffled Kakashi's hair.


//Note: sorry it took so long! School really got me lately... I'll try to upload more regularly! I hope you enjoyed this rather dark part! Lots love! ❤

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒄𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒇𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒇 𝑲𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒉𝒂Where stories live. Discover now