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The year was 1991 November 11. The freshly accepted student of the Columbia University, Ryan Welsh for his stunning thesis for the dimensional rift.

"Welcome Mr Welsh" said Dean Yeager, shaking Ryan's hand. "So glad to be here, thank you so much for the opportunity" Ryan said nervously shaking hands. "The board and I were astonished with your work and we're hoping you would be so kindly to join us" Yeager offered. "S-sure but I'll probably need more of equipment and maybe more funds" Ryan halfway trying to slide by the request for money and equipment. "The board will directly fund and finance all of your research but that does not give you the reason for to take what we have given you for your own expense" Yeager said stone faced being strict, Ryan looked back at him with the same stone face. "Yes sir" was all of what Ryan said completely washing the nerves language away being absolutely serious. "Just where his be my quarters for my research" Ryan said. "Follow me" Dean said leading Welsh to his lab.

"I apologize for the smell here three use to all share these quarters here" Yeager said letting Welsh have the cramped lab. "Okay um when will all my stuff be shipped in" Ryan said. "All of it will be moved in by the end of the night" Yeager said while Ryan placed his backpack on the counter taking out an note pad, camera, jar and a spoon. "Is the university really 236 years old" Ryan questioned. "Yes?" Dean Yeager said half confused. "Brilliant I'm gonna take a look around campus" before Yeager could comment Ryan had already left.

Ryan searched high and low across the university monitoring the campus searching for any rifts or tears. Halfway through Ryan felt a sudden shift of atmosphere the Mudd Ryan placed his hand on the concrete sidewalk immediately feeling a disturbed force. "Oh my!" Ryan said out loud, taking out his note pad taking a note. "Midsudden temporal shift, high change of temperature and disturbed energy" Ryan joded down putting the note book in his coat and taking out his Polaroid taking pictures, after that he plucked some grass and leafs near the position. Ryan marked his current location for further investigation in the morning, taking his leave making his way back to the lab.

Ryan made his way back too his quarters, when he got there he was greeted by another student who sat down on a bar stool. "Oh you must be Ryan Welsh" he said, he had a well built body and blonde hair. "Hi who the hell are you?!?" Ryan said judgeful. "Chad Fuller" he stated himself nonchalantly. "Well Chad what the hell are you doin here?" Ryan still questioning him. "The guy here didn't tell you, I'm your partner" Ryan sighed at randomly being thrown an partner who more than likely has no knowledge of the paranormal UFO dimensions. "Okay but we're gonna lay down some rules here Okay" Ryan said as Chad rolled his eyes "A you don't meddle with my work B you don't pull money out for personal reasons and C don't interfere in my investigations" Ryan finished off, after that they went to bed

The next day Ryan woke up and saw Chad was already a wake sitting on a couch with his feet up. Ryan rolled his eyes and began to examine the grass and leafs near the Mudd. "Whatcha ya doin?" Chad said spooking Ryan, for a jock he had a great way of sneaking. "Looking for any residue of bi-paranormal rifts" Ryan told Chad in a way to discourage him from poking in things he knew nothing about. "Paranormal? as in ghosts?!" Chad said excitedly. "Or as in unnatural and UFO occurrences" Chad looked back at Ryan for more of explanation "look at it as this imagine there are glass wall between our dimension and another, occasionally there will be these cracks in the wall most often or not there usually in a place filled with negative energy" Ryan finished his analogy expecting Chad to be lost, but when he turned to face him Chad had been following along with the whole thing. "If it means anything I think I experienced a rift near Soldiers and Sailors memorial, I suspect something might be going on over there" Chad said giving a lead. "I guess I'll go give it a look, I'm sure there's plenty of wrestles force there" Ryan said putting on his coat and grabbing his stuff leaving Chad alone in the lab.

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